He's my boyfriend 1.

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We were all sitting at the rugby field while break .
Even though Tao winced all 3 minutes about his clothes getting dirty, which was clearly a bad try to get away from here. Isaac was reading a book like always and Nick and I were talking about our homework's in form .

We all looked up. There was a boy, standing in front of us. Blonde hair , green eyes , shorter then me with glasses and a book in his hands .
We all said, a bit confused. I think I never saw him before .
"Uhm , so I moved here and I wanted to find friends ... So I wanted to ask if I can have your number ?"
He looked at me. Wait ? Did he mean me ?
"M-mine ?"
He nodded and I thought for a moment, before nodding .
"Wait I Write it down ."
Poor boy. I can't imagine going on a school with nobody by my side. I had the luck to meet Tao on the first day and I didn't let him go since then.

"Do you want our numbers too ?"
Nick asked with a weird tone in his voice .
"No thank you ."
Tao snorted at this answer. I just tried to ignore the both of them.
"What's your name ?"
I looked up to the boy .
"I'm Dylan and you ?"
"His name is Charlie ."
Nick laid his arm around my waist . I punched Nick with my elbow, to show him that he should be a little bit more polite . He just wanted to find new friends. He was probably just scared of Nick because he was literally famous in this school.

"Do you want to sit with us Dylan ?"
I offered, hoping to make the situation a bit less awkward. Dylan nodded and sat down right next to me .
"So what do you do in your Free time Charlie ?"
"Uhm , I Play drums and I'm in the rugby team ."
The rugby team. Still can't believe I survived that.
"Omg , that is so cool . Maybe you could teach me to play drums ? I think boys who play drums are so cool !"
I nodded but then shrieked, as Nick pulled me on my waist towards him .
"And I'm literally thinking about joining the rugby team. It's a big dream from me to play rugby . Maybe you can lay a good word in for me ? I heard that you and the captain are good friends . His name is Nick Nelson right ?"
"I don't think this dream will come true ."
Dylan looked annoyed at Nick while Tao was dying from laugher .
"Well dear Dylan , I'm Nick Nelson and Charlie is not a good friend of mine ."
Nick pulled me on his lap, making me blush.
"He's my boyfriend and I'm not a big friend of some dumb guys flirting with him . So could you please fuck of ? Thank you very much ."

Happy Pride day my Poly readers !
I hope you had a great day !

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