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Little horror story for the night !
TW : Please don't read it if you're not into horror or have problems reading about violence and/or death.

It was blurry as Ben woke up. His head hurt like hell and he had lost the feeling in most of his body.
"Harry ?"
He tried to move his head and winced from the pain. The room in which he was , was dark but his eyes didn't take long to longer at a body , laying on the ground.
"Harry !"
The boy laid face down on the floor , clearly dead.
"No, no , no !"
As he wanted to raise , he could hear a sound from behind him.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you. Harry tried and well... it didn't end well for him. Did it ?"

He turned around, his body aching.
"Nick ?"
"Nick, what what's happening ? Where am I ?"
He watched the boy in horror . His shirt was covered in blood but because he stood proudly , Ben assumed it wasn't his.
"I fear I can't tell you that. It doesn't really matter anyway , does it ? I think we both know why you're here."
"I - I don't understand. Did you kill Harry ? Nick, what is going on ? Why - why would you do that ? I will go, I will go now ! I will never tell somebody what I saw, I promise!"
"Oh Ben."
Nick frowned.
"I think you don't understand. You won't go anywhere. You will die like Harry did. This is the end. You will pay for your sins."
"My - my Sins ? Are you talking about fucking Charlie ?! You're kidding me , right ? You're fucking kidding me ? You're crazy ! Completely gone nuts!"
At the mention of the other boys name , Nicks face turned cold .
"Well Ben, it was lovely but if you don't want to understand , then I won't make you. I think it is time to end things ."
Nick grabbed a knife , which laid next to him before he strode forward.
"No , no , no , I'm sorry , I'm sorry. Nick ! This ain't what Charlie would've wanted ! You need to ask him! He wouldn't want that !"

"Oh don't I? Nick, darling , lay down the knife, I told you I wanted to talk to him."
Ben's eyes grew bigger as he slowly turned towards the new light source . Charlie Spring , himself , stepped inside trough a wooden door and closed it again.
"Nick, please, you can kill him soon, I just want to talk to him."
As Ben looked back to the rugby player in front of him , he didn't look like a psycho anymore but like a soft teddy bear , who was clearly far too much in love.
"But Charlie-"
"Nick, lay down the knife , bring Harry outside. He starts to smell."
Charlie's voice held much of love but also not much room for discussion and Nick let out a whine before he went to the other boy, laid the knife in his hand and made his way to Harry and dragged him outside. Charlie waited patiently until the door closes before he turned back to Ben.
"Ben, good to see you."
"Charlie ! Nick has gone mad. You need to stop him ! Now !"
Charlie started to smile as he reaches out and caressed Ben's face.
"Oh my poor darling , you seriously don't understand . Don't worry , it's not your fault , you're just not smart enough. I will explain it to you. Nick isn't mad , he's in love. However he's in love with a mad man. If you haven't guessed , that's me."
"You planned all This ? What is wrong with you ? I want to go ! Charlie , let me go !"
He tried to push the boy over but after losing so much blood, his body was weak.
"Sadly, I can't do that for you . NICK, COME IN AGAIN !"
Charlie had turned towards the door as he screamed but then turned back to Ben. He leaned down , so he can whisper against his ear.
"Do me a favor , scream as loud as you can like I did as you kissed me without my consent."
He placed a kiss on Ben's cheek and then leaned back. The door opened and Nick came in.
"No, no , no."

"I'm finished darling , you can have fun."
"No ! Charlie , I'm sorry ! I'm so sorry !"
Charlie turned around and went to his boyfriend , placing a loving kiss on his lips.
"Thank you , my love."
Nick smiled .
"No problem, Char."
The drummer smiled at his boyfriend one last time before he strode out of the room.
"Don't leave me alone with him, Charlie ! Please ! I'm sorry."
The only thing he heard before he closed the door was one loud scream.

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