Sick 2.

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"I'm not sick Nick . You don't need to come over . Everything is fine !"
I covered the speaker of my phone so I could cough .
"Don't lie . You weren't in school. I come over, right now."
And with that he ended the call, not letting me the chance to discuss with him. I groaned annoyed from everything.
Of course I got sick after visiting Nick but I didn't like telling people, when I was sick . I have the feeling, I deserved it and nobody should care about me . So I suffered in silence but then Nick noticed . And Nick , the golden retriever , immediately thought he needed to come over . But he wasn't my boyfriend .
He is straight !
God Damit my mind can't stop thinking about him and I don't want that . Even if he was gay or bi or whatever , he wouldn't like me . Cause I'm ugly and dumb and fat and just horrible .
I sighed .

I looked up as the door opened .
"Here I am. Oh gosh ! Charlie!"
Nick looked at me like I was dying .
"I'm okay Nick . Calm down, You can go home ."
Nick shut the door and made his way towards me .
"You should keep your distance from me . I don't want you to get sick ."
"Just shut up Charlie ."
He sat down right next to me and pulled me in a hug .
"What symptoms do you have ? Do you have a headache or does your throat hurts ? Do you feel like you need to throw up ? Should I get your mum ? Do you want a tee ? What about another blanket ?"
He didn't wait for my answer and put another blanket about the one I already had .
"Nick ! Stop it ! I'm fine ! It's not like I'm dying and it's way too hot under this blankets ."
Nick scoffed at my statement.
"You're sick and I will help you if you like it or not ."
And with that he pushed my head on his chest , pulled the two blankets on top of the both of us and reached for my IPad.

"What's your Code ?"
"0904." (September forth)
"That's my birthday !"
"What ? For real ?"
I acted surprised, even though I just got this code because of his birthday . But he obviously didn't have to know that.
"Yeah for real ! That's funny ."
He tipped in the numbers and opened Disney +.
"Did you already watched the new season Young Royals ?"
"Yeah but we can watch it again . I like it."
He nodded and started the first episode .
"You can sleep if you want too ."
"I am fine .
You're okay with my head on your chest . Aren't I too heavy?"
Nick scoffed .
"Charlie you're a lot but not too heavy ."
I stayed silent .
"You know that you aren't heavy right ?"
"Sure ."
I was this close to laugh as I thought about how this answer was completely normal to me . It was a complete lie but it was normal to lie . It's like when somebody asks you how are you ? You answer with I'm good , I'm fine or anything like that.
"You're beautiful."
I looked up at Nick , a bit confused where this all came from .
"You're beautiful Even though you're a boy ."
He seemed to talk to himself and don't even realize that he says the things out loud . So I stayed quiet and just enjoyed the feeling of my crush caring about me even though I wasn't that sick .

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