Camping 3.

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As I woke up I felt calm... almost happy.
Nicks head was still laying on my chest, his arms were wrapped around my stomach, making me feel like butterflies would be dancing in it.
"Aren't they cute?"
Tao whispered. Who's cute ?
"They are. I can't believe your plan with the tent actually worked."
Plan ? Tent ?
"What can I say? I'm a genius."
Ohhhhhh These bitches ! They planned this !
"If Charlie finds out, we're dead."
Believe me you are, if there wouldn't be a golden retriever sleeping on top of me you would be dead right now. I spend the rest of the time until Nick woke up with plans to kill them all, beside Nick of course.

And then he woke up.
First I thought it would be awkward but it somehow wasn't. He just opened his eyes and smiled at me, acting like this was the best moment of his life.
We stayed in this position until we needed to start walking again, so we would be back home before the night starts.

Tara and Darcy were at the front, holding hands and giggling most of the times.
If I was honest, I'm jealous.
I just wish someone would like me in this way, but the only person who seems to even like me in some way is Ben.
Fucking Ben.
Ben liking someone is an insult for the person.
Well anyways, next came Isaac. He wanted to go first but was so focused on his book, that he didn't realize Tara and Darcy going faster then Him. Right in front of me were Elle and Tao, flirting like always. Sometimes I just want to force them to kiss finally.
They're literally this couple, who's together but says their friends.
Well, that leaves me and Nick in the back. He was silent most of the time, making me wonder if I did something wrong. I asked him a few times but he just shook his head or said he was tired and I didn't wanted to be annoying so I stopped asking.

We brought Darcy home first. At least we tried but at the start of her street she said her parents would be sick and we should just go before they would make us sick too. She was acting weird to be honest.

The next was Tara, who was more then happy to invite us in but we all declined, given that we just spend 24 hours in the woods and just wanted to shower.

Elle and Tao of course made a movie night, so we dropped them off together. I made some kissing noises as they got inside , making sure to embarrass them like a good best friend would.

Isaac thanked Nick and me for dropping him off and then just closed the door in front of our faces.

Now it was just me and Nick, walking to my house because he was staying over for tonight.
"You're sure you're fine?"
I asked silently after he didn't speak for me for 10 minutes.
"Yes sure Charlie."
He murmured looking at his shoes. I nodded , while opening the front door and then stepping inside. We made our way up to my room and I groaned, as I finally could sit down.
But then I decided that a shower was now actually the most important thing for me.
"I will take a quick shower, okay ? If you want you can shower after me."
I grabbed my pajamas and was already out of the door as Nick called after me.
"Charlie, we need to talk!"

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