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Nothing ~Bruno Major ( credits to him )

Track suits and red wine
I sat in front of Charlie, while he sipped on his first wine . I watched his face as he tried it. He hated it , I could see it because he always scrunches his nose, when he thinks something is disgusting. So we were sitting in this fancy restaurant, while he tried to get rid of the taste. Even when he wears a suit, he looks cute .

Movies for two
He threw his popcorn at me .
"How can you never miss my face but be that bad in rugby ?"
Charlie gasped and looked at me shocked, as if I just threw an insult at him.
"I am not bad in rugby ."
"You are !"
He sighed.
"I am."
He gasped as he saw Newt ( Thomas Brodie Sangster ) on the Screen .

We'll take off our phones
And we'll turn off our shoes
"Tao probably already wrote me 2000 times."
"I don't care , you're mine ."
Charlie laughed .
"Nick we can't lay here forever . My foots are getting cold ."
"We can if we want ."

We'll play Nintendo
I tried to get Charlie's controller but he started to scream and hit me .
"Don't touch me ! This is serious !"
"It's Mario Kart !"
"A SERIOUS Mario Kart Game!"

Though I always lose
"HOW ?!"
"I'm just better than you ."
"Wha- You're not !!!"

"Cause you'll watch the TV.
While I'm watching you ."
"We both know that's just a dumb excuse . I'm basically better than you ."
"Oh , you think that ?"
"Yes I-."
I tackled Charlie on the bed, making him laugh.

There's not many people
I'd honestly say
I don't mind losing to
"Well Nick , since you came out , you're just worser then normally in Rugby ."
I glared at Harry for three seconds before I punched him in the face .

But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you
I smiled as I felt my boyfriend snuggling into my neck . It was a beautiful day , even though he won all the time .

Dumb conversation
"No no no . You can't just say that's the same color ."
"Why ?"
"Because if your purple would be my orange then you wouldn't know ."
"What ?"

We loose track of time
"Charlie ..."
"Yes ?"
"We should have been by Tao since an hour ."
"Oh f-."

"Have I told you lately
I'm grateful you're mine ?"
I said As I kneeled in front of Charlie with a ring in my jacket, being nervous but mainly exited.

We'll watch The Notebook
For the 17th time
I'll say "It's stupid"
Then you'll catch me crying
"Come here love ."
Charlie said as he opened his arms for me . I sniffed before hugging him.

We're not making out
On a boat in the rain
Or in a house I've painted blue
"Nick, not here ."
Charlie said as he pushed me away from him, while he tried to fix his hair . Looking around with red cheeks.

But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you
I smiled as I felt how Charlie's face pressed into my neck . My hands snaked around his waist, while we moved our bodies to a song from Bruno Major.

So shut all the windows
And lock all the doors
Charlie and I ran from room to room to close the windows, while the rain came into our new house .

We're not looking for no one
Don't need nothing more
"I can't believe I came here to camp with you ."
Charlie said with so much disgust in his voice that I needed to laugh .
"Give it a chance, you will like it !"
"You know what I would like ? I would like a hotel room ."

You bite my lip and
I'll want you more
Charlie accidentally bit my lip . He looked at me shocked and started to apologize 3 seconds later .
"I am so sorry Nick . I didn't wanted to bu- You know it's my first time making out with some- I-
This is so embarrassing."
I looked at him in awe . His hair was a bit of a mess because of me but also because it's always a mess . His lips were red, also because of me . His cheeks were bright red and his eyes were shining .
The next thing I knew was that I pulled him in so I could taste his lips again .

Until we end up in a head
On the floor
I looked down at Charlie , a boy from my math class .
He was just here to help me with math and then we got in a play fight . The next thing I knew was that we both fall of the bed and I fall on top of him .

You could be dancing on
Wearing high-heels
Drinking until the world
Spins like a wheel
I looked at Charlie in awe . He was drunk and ended up on the table in our kitchen , dancing with Elle while he wore her high-heels.

But tonight your apartment
Had so much appeal
"Do you like it ?"
Charlie fiddled with the sleeve of his pullover , like he always does when he is nervous .
"It looks amazing Char. When are you moving in ?"

"Who needs stars
We've got a roof."
I said to Charlie as I laid down beside him on the floor . He wanted to watch the stars tonight but he got sick . So now there were stars projected on our roof .

But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you
I felt how Charlie's chest moved up and down while he slept peacefully beside me .

No, there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you.
I smiled as I gave Charlie a kiss .

Hey , I Hope you liked it !
Because I loved the idea but wasn't sure if it would turn out good .
Please write me in the comment if you want more like that or that it wasn't good

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