Chapter One

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It's been decided I'm leaving the Salvatore school for the young and gifted, as much as I love the school and everyone who attends is like family to me I feel the need to figure out who I am without the school.

It's been a long few years of researching, killing monsters, making new friends, but of course when we defeated Malivore... Malidon... I don't know, was what I truely needed to know that I should leave. I should take that back when Hope did, she defeated Malidon. Hope... she became The Tribrid, she sacrificed so much just to save the world from his evil but most importantly the school... me.

Ever since it happened not Hope killing Malidon but when she saved me we've been keeping a distance, more like I've been keeping a distance. It's now been two weeks. I think it's best, not just for her but for me as well. She's so special, I lo-... she's like family and means so much to me and I couldn't bare to see her lose me.

My life's limited so is my sister Lizzie's. At the age of 22 we have to do this thing called 'The Merge', which basically means one of us will absorb the other. I can't do that not to Lizzie she's my sister, my best friend, I love her so much, I would die for her, and I plan on it.

There somehow is a plus side to this though my mom Caroline is looking for a way out of it. She's been travelling the world searching and searching, she's been doing it for years, and we didn't even know. For now the only way out is if either Lizzie or myself turn into vampires... we'll heretics. But we both don't want that... I don't want that. Maybe I will one day but today is not that day.

Back onto topic, I'm leaving and it's final I told Lizzie and MG. MG is my best friend that has the biggest crush on Lizzie, and I know Lizzie has one on him as well, I hope something happens while I'm gone... I wish them both happiness. They both completely understand my reasoning as to why I want to leave which I'm so thankful for, even if it isn't the complete truth, they just wouldn't understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. I didn't tell them how long I'll be gone for, they don't need to know.

Authors note: This chapter was just mainly to explain where everything is at. The chapters will start to get longer with time!

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