Chapter Twenty Two

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Continued flashback...

Josie starts to let go off Hope and looks down to see her already starring up at her. "What Hopey?", Josie asks with a giggle. "Nothing, your just so beautiful. I'm supposed to be angry at you but your just so adorable, I can't be angry at you. I love hearing you giggle I feel like I haven't heard it in forever." Hope says with the biggest smile on her face starring up at Josie. Josie starts to blush. "Why are you supposed to be angry at me Hopey?" Josie asked looking at Hope with beady eyes.

Hope rolls here eyes at the nickname, "Because you were supposed to go. What if I hadn't made it in time, and something happened to you? Huh? You have my blood in your system? You-", Joise cut Hope off from all her rambling, and cupped Hope's face with both her hands and put her lips to Hope's, kissing her. It took Hope a moment to reciprocate the kiss, trying to register what was happening. Josie was kissing her.

The kiss was long and passionate. It was perfect for both girls. The perfect first kiss. The kiss started to get heated, until Josie came to her senses and pulled away, "I... I'm sorry... I... I shouldn't have. I'm with Finch. I... I can't Hope. I'm not a cheater." Josie said starting to panic, and pace around the train yard. Hope was just standing there starring at Josie mesmerised.

Hope's actions didn't go untouched by Josie, "Hope why are you just standing there. Oh my god. I can't start anything with you. Especially now. Now that you're a tribrid. This can't be happening." Josie continued panicking and pacing some more.

Hope didn't know what to do other then stand in the middle of the train yard, starring at a pacing panicking Josie. Hope was so confused, 'What is happening? This moment was perfect a few seconds ago. Well every moment with Josie is perfect. But... Did I do something wrong?' Hope thought to herself.

"Hope you need to listen to me!" Josie said taking her place in front of Hope, before continuing on, "This didn't happen. This. Us. We can't happen. I need you to forget what just happened and don't tell anyone. Please I'm begging you. Don't tell anyone." Josie asked desperately.

Josie then reached for her neck and took of the talisman that Hope had gifted her on her sixteenth birthday. She handed the talisman back to Hope. It felt like she was giving the only piece she had of Hope back.

And with that Josie had left the train yard. She left the newly transitioned tribrid all alone with her thoughts, and the talisman. All her feeling of guilt, then arousal were replaced with confusion, 'What the hell just happened?' Hope asked herself.

Once Hope had gotten back to the school she was greeted by everyone saying their 'congratulations' and 'we finally defeated Malivore'. There was a celebration party at the Old Mill, the whole school was there. But Josie wasn't. Hope tried to go off looking for her but was stopped by a drunk Lizzie, who wanted Hope to dance with her and MG. Hope just wanted to find Josie.

A week went past of Josie avoiding Hope, and Hope looking for Josie. Eventually throughout that time Finch broke up with Josie without a reason, which was hard on Josie and it kept her locked in her room. Only letting Lizzie and MG in. Hope tried to see her after overhearing it with her vampire hearing, but Lizzie yelled at Hope to stay away. Apparently that's what Josie wanted.

Josie felt terrible for avoiding Hope all week, but she can't let Hope love her now. Especially now that Hope's a tribrid she's going to live forever, and Josie's going to die at twenty two. Josie took the break up with Finch hard because she didn't know what she had done, or if Finch had found out that she had cheated on her with Hope. She had so many unanswered questions. It was just easier for her to ignore all of her problems, and stay locked up in her room, only letting Lizzie and MG keep her company.

Another week had past and Josie decided it would be best to leave the Salvatore school, it was all too much for her. She could only avoid Hope for a certain time, and she was scared people would know she cheated on Finch, she didn't want people to see her like that, because she's not. Josie didn't want Finch to go through the pain of knowing someone cheated on her as she had been through that pain before. She had been through this with her ex and it hurt.

...End of flashback

Authors note: Hosie next chapter 🤗

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now