Chapter Six

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Hope turned her head back to face the lake her eyes beginning to water with tears, she can't bare the thought of losing Josie, she's lost so many people already.

"Hope say something please?" Josie said starting to get worried that she really upset Hope, now realising the emotional impact she has on the older girl. "Why? Why give up like that? Why give up on life? Why give up on your family the school? Why give up o... on... on love Josie? Why?" Hope blurted out with a broken and teary voice and tears streaming down her face.

Seeing and hearing Hope in this state made Josie upset and her eyes began to water just as Hope's did moments ago. "Hope... Hope hey I'm not giving up, I'm doing this for Lizzie, I'm giving Lizzie a chance to live her life and t-", Hope cut Josie off. "No, that's not right, you have to do this for yourself not your sister. It's always been about Lizzie Josie, when is it actually going to be about you for once? When you're absorbed into Lizzie? Because that's not fair on you. And if you think I'm going to sit by and let you do this then you Josette Olivia Saltzman are out of your freaking mind!"

Hearing Hope say these things made Josie feel so many things in her heart and in her body, this turned her on. But it also made her realise that she messed things up bad with Hope in the past, things that they could probably get by and fix, but Josie doesn't want to risk dying on Hope. Josie has an expiration date while Hope is immortal, she's The Tribrid she can't be killed.

While Josie sat dumbfound, Hope needed to break the silence "Josie you know where I stand with you, you know how I feel, you've know this for weeks, yes I know you don't want to talk about it, but we shou-" Josie cut Hope off just like Hope had done to her.

"Hope please not now, you're right I should be doing this for me not for Lizzie and I am, I am leaving, I am leaving the Salvatore school, I am leaving Mystic Falls, I am doing this for me, I am going to go and have myself an adventure, I am going to live my life to the fullest, and I am doing it all for me. It might be for a few years but I am doing this for me. Yes it's always been about Lizzie but what do you expect, these next few years are going to be about me now. Life isn't fair Hope you out of all people should know that. And Hope you are going to sit by and watch this happen you know why, because it's something I want to do for my sister and you should respect that rather than stop it from happening." By the time Josie had said this she was out of breath and Hope noticed, she began laughing at how cute Josie was at putting her in her place.

"What's so funny, are you seriously not going to take me seriously?" Josie said with her signature pouty face that Hope adored so much. "No you're just so cute when you're out of breath, and putting me in my place", Hope chuckled. Josie's faced turned into a light shade of pink, she somehow felt embarrassed but doesn't know why, maybe it was the comment about her being cute when she's out of breath, as Josie's head took her to other places that Josie tried to shake away.

"So where do you stand Hope?"

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now