Chapter Twenty One

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Everything feels so different first there was nothing, then I woke up in limbo. Confused. I hoped to see my father, but I didn't. I'm waking up now starting to see, I find myself feeling overwhelmed. All my senses are heightened and I'm confused. But the colors feel different, the sounds are fuller, and I can feel small movements of the air on my skin. I've never felt this way before. My aunt Freya was right.

Where am I? Why am I no longer in my bedroom? I asked myself as I was taking in my new surroundings.

I'm trapped in what looks like a rail car... Malivore. He watched me as I realise where I am and what's happening. He tells me I won't get out, he doesn't plan on me transitioning.

I began to smell blood it smells so sweet I need a taste. I get up off the ground, struggling, trying to see if I can get a taste. A brunette... a girl... Jo... Josie. Malivore held Josie up by her neck, blood dripping down onto her white blouse. So many emotions started to flow through my weak transitioning body. Anger at Malivore, but worry for Josie.

"LET HER GO! YOU HAVE ME IN HERE, YOU HAVE LANDON'S BODY! LET JOSIE GO!" I yelled at Malivore, he just laughed back. "H... Hope... it's... o... okay... I... I'm... ready... I... I lov-" Josie stutters weakly, losing more and more blood by the second, barley able to speak.

I started to tear up, "No Josie you don't get to die today. Motus!", I tried to blow the door off its hinges, but it didn't work. "Would you look at that maybe your not the all powerful tribrid after all", Malivore laughs as he walks away dragging Josie with him. I'll save you Jo. Don't worry I'll save you.

Hope is more vulnerable now than ever. She needs to fed. Hope beats on the train cars glass window, until it gives in and she makes her escape. "I'm coming Josie. I'll save you. Even if I have to kill Landon himself." Hope says to herself out of breath, as she struggles to move around.

Hope finds Malivore, his locked himself in a train car with Josie, not wanting Hope to get any of her blood. She attempts to open the door, just wanting to save Josie. She doesn't care about turning, just Josie in this very moment. Why does she feel so strongly about Josie in this moment? Maybe it's her heightened emotions?

Malivore exists the train car, letting Landon come to the surface, hoping he can stop Hope from transitioning. Thinking Landon can convince her otherwise.

Landon comes through and try's to talk to Hope but she's too distracted. She's too worried about Josie. Hope walks away from Landon and goes to Josie who is laying down unconscious. "Hope you need to drink her blood. You need to transition and kill Malivore once and for all. He wants me to convince you not to but you have to kill him. Kill me" Landon says, doing the opposite of what Malivore wants from him.

Hope keeps her gaze on Josie, and makes a decision, "I need to transition. If I don't she dies. Josie can't die. She needs vampire blood. I don't care about Malivore or you, only Josie in this moment. I need to save her. I love her" Hope blurts out but ignores what she just confessed.

Hope hesitates not knowing if she can handle all the power that is to come, she never wanted it to come to this but she needs to save Josie. She feds on the dripping blood off of Josie's neck not wanting to cause her any more blood loss and pain.

Completing her transition, nature signals the world that The Tribrid has been born. The sky turns blood red, thunder and red lighting strikes through the sky. Hope's eyes turn yellow and veins begin to pulsate around them, Hope's transition is complete.

Hope bites her wrist revealing her vampire fangs for the first time. She puts it up to Josie's mouth for her to drink. Josie starts to drink from Hope's wrist, making her wake. The feeling of Josie drinking from Hope's wrist feels euphoric, which makes a moan leave Hope's mouth. This makes Josie stop drinking from Hope's wrist.

"Hope..." Josie manages to say. "It's okay Jo. Get out of here." Hope says thinking Josie was about to thank her. "Hope... I love you, Hope." Josie says, her eyes tearing up. Hope looks at Josie with all but love in her eyes. They stare at each other for what feels like forever. This feels so right for the both of them.

Landon clears his throat getting both girls attention, "I guess it's not going to be too hard for you to kill me Hope." Landon said, and with that Malivore came to the surface, "I see you saved the girl, I just wanted Landon to see that you weren't in love with him anymore, but her instead." Malivore pointed to Josie. "Josie go now. I can't let anything happen to you again. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. GO NOW!" Hope tells Josie, wanting her to be safe. Josie runs off in some direction. Josie ended up hiding inside a train car not wanting Hope to know she's still there. She can't leave her not at a time like this.

"Awww look at that the all powerful tribrid has feeling for some basic witch that can't even do her own magic." Hope throws a punch at Malivore making him fall to the ground, "You think you can beat me. I eat monsters like you." Malivore says sounding a bit afraid. "There is no monster like me", Hope says with a smirk.

Hope casts a spell and throws Malivore through the air, as he comes closer to the ground she vamps to him, punching him midair with enough force to throw him into a train car. Stumbling to the ground, Malivore runs from her.

"Awww don't run you haven't even seen my wolf form yet", Hope said with a chuckle. Malivore attempted to hide within a train car, barring the doors. Until he finds the perfect leverage. Josie. She's in there as well and he takes this opportunity. Malivore grabs Josie by the neck awaiting Hope to enter the car.

Hope enters the train car in her wolf form, seeing Malivore holding Josie made her blood boil, she growls which makes Malivore tremble and drop Josie to the floor. She transforms back to her human form, "The full tribrid tour is complete. Did you enjoy the show?" Hope says to Malivore. But Josie couldn't help but feel turned on by seeing this side of Hope.

Hope decides it's finally time to end this, and bits her arm, with blood dripping down, she casts a spell to form a sword with her blood. Malivore doesn't want to face her and retreats back, letting Landon come to the surface again. Hope is ready to stab Malivore with her blood sword, when Landon is given back control. Hope questions if it really is him.

"Hope..." Landon hugs Hope and puts his mouth to her ear. "I understand do it. Hope be happy. Live your eternity. Go be with Josie. I know you've always loved her, go be with her", he whispers into her ear so that Josie doesn't hear. Hope accepts this without a second thought. She just wants to make sure Josie is okay, and maybe lecture her about not leaving when she told her too.

Hope stabs Landon through the heart with her blood sword, Hope's blood sword dissolves into flames as it disappears from Landon's chest. Landon collapses on the ground and Hope is overwhelmed with emotion. Guilt. Until she feels someone bringing her into a tight embrace... Josie.

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