Chapter Thirty Six

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Alaric coughed bringing Hope out of thought. Hope's eyes immediately changed to bright yellow, veins started pulsating around her eyes, and her fangs popped out of their gums. Alaric quivered with fear at the sight, scared for his life in this very moment. "H- Ho- pe... please you- you need to- to understand..." the man stuttered.

"Understand what? Understand that you're a selfish old white man that doesn't give a crap about no one?" Hope said her anger building up into rage, waiting for Alaric to answer her. Hope raised her eyebrows at the man, wanting him to answer her. Alaric froze knowing no matter what he said he was toast.

"Hmmm that's what I thought. So I'm going to play this the nice way, unless you don't listen then I'll let your imagination run free with what I'll do to you. I have questions I need answered. Answer them and answer them correctly, and I will consider not doing a terrible amount of damage. How does that sound?" The tribrid offers, putting away her fangs and veins, keeping her bright yellow eyes.

"Okay. I'll answer whatever you want", the man says quietly almost under his breath. Hope hums at his response. "First question, how did Finch know how to kill me?" Hope asks curiosity. Alaric sighs knowing there is no way out of this for him, "Because of me. She knew because of me. Before you interrupted me Hope, I knew when Lizzie and Josie had done that spell with you creating that tree with magic before you transitioned, that THAT tree would be the loop hole. Mother Nature right, she works in mysterious ways. When I had discovered that the tree was in fact red oak, that's when I knew for sure", Alaric chuckled regrettably.

Hope's veins began rising to the surface of her face underneath her eyes. Alaric saw this and decided to continue speaking, "When I discovered this information I was planning on destroying the tree, to keep you alive and safe before anyone else had found out about the tree. But Finch came into my office and saw my plans on chopping down the tree and peaked at my research. That's how Finch knew. I don't know why she was so hell bent on killing you. She wanted you to be with Josie. Everyone does." Alaric said a tear leaving his eyes.

Hope had calmed her wolf down, her eyes turning back to ocean blue and the veins that were just under her eyes gone. All this just from the simple mention of Josie's name, this has Hope feeling whipped, but she'll never admit it.

"Hmmm alive and safe? To what stop the merge? Now don't get me wrong, I would love to stop the merge and save Josie. Especially since she feels like she has an expiration date, but don't worry we'll get to that soon", Hope says with a raised eyebrow.

"Now for my my second question. Do you really not feel any regret or guilt towards killing a student of yours?" Hope asked with a smirk playing out on her face. "I do feel regret and guilt. Why do you think I'm here instead of at the school, healed?!", Alaric said to the tribrid with nothing but malice in his voice. Hope laughed, "Now that was you're first lie of the evening. Guess what that means? Never mind I'll just tell you myself. Torture." Hope giggled out, widening her eyes.

Alaric looked at Hope with terror in his eyes not knowing how far the tribrid will go. Hope walked over to the little doctors table in the corner of the hospital room, that had what looked like a scalpel. She picked it up and walked back to Alaric waving it around at him teasingly. Alaric tried to jump out of the hospital bed and run, but was stopped by a spell Hope quickly cast, bounding him to the bed. "I was going to give you one more chance to answer truthfully but that little stunt you just pulled didn't earn it for you", Hope snickered.

Hope took the scalpel and put it to Alaric's abdomen cutting him, drawing a little blood. "Now you're going to answer me again. Truthfully. Or I'll go deeper and who knows how long you'll have to live", Hope threatens the man. Alaric shudders, "OKAY! I- I don't feel any. I didn't have a relationship with her there is nothing to regret. But... I do feel bad Hope. I opened the school to help young supernaturals and I killed one", Alaric trembles with his words.

Hope's heart breaks for Josie knowing how kind hearted she is, and how much pain she would be in if she heard all this coming from her fathers mouth. Setting back into reality Hope spoke, "Now that sounds more like the truth." Alaric grabbed his abdomen with blood covering his hands groaning in pain, "You think Josie will forgive you for this?" Alaric whined at Hope. Hope's eyes darted at the man, if looks could kill Alaric would be dead right now for sure.

Hope bursted out laughing, "Please don't mention her name. Remember she disowned herself from being your daughter. And Josie actually gave me permission to do what is right. Actually no what is necessary", Hope said with a devil like smirk looking like her father in some way. Alaric almost shitted in the hospital bed out of fear.

She took the scalpel and cut Alaric again near his spleen, Alaric screamed. "What you can live without your spleen", Hope giggled. "This isn't you Hope. This is all your father", Alaric got out in between breaths. "See you always say that. Which makes me think you didn't know my mother. Because yes I am my fathers daughter, but I'm also my mothers. This is all for Josie. Alaric you hurt her so I'll hurt you right back." Hope spoke truthfully.

"Now time for my last question it's very important so I'd answer it truthfully or I fear you'll loose too much blood that you'll die right here, very soon", Hope giggled like a maniac. "Do you know what has to happen for me to be able to stop the merge all together?" Hope asks seriously, with sadness starting to take over her face. She fears if the man answers this question she might take things to the extreme with him. "You want to stop the merge?" Alaric asked feeling hopeful.

"That's not what I'm talking about right now. I'm asking if you know what has to happen for me to be able to stop the merge. Because I do. And I want to know if you do", Hope says as her eyes flash back to yellow. Alaric gulps on his saliva, and quietly whispers, "I do."

"So you know I have to die... permanently", Hope says walking closer to the man.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now