Chapter Seven

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"So where do you stand Hope?"

Hope thought for a moment, "I'll respect whatever decision you make. You want to do the merge and let Lizzie win then I'll respect you're choice. I'm here for you Jo, just know that." Josie took a deep breath "I know Hope I'm thankful for you, I hope you know that, you mean so much to me." This made Hope's heart do backflips she loves Josie so much, and all she wants is to tell and show her how much.

"Hope I just need one thing from you, if that's okay?" Josie asked knowing it's going to be a huge thing to ask Hope. "Yeah anything Jo", "Everything we just talked about... has to stay here... between you and me. No one can know Hope. Please they'll stop me". Hope didn't know what to say she knows she can keep a secret, but can she keep this secret. "Josie", "Please Hope for me" Josie said this knowing the power she has over Hope. "Okay Josie, I'll do it. For you". Josie gave Hope a big smile, which Hope loved.

The two girls then went back to look at the lake and enjoying each other's presence for what could be the last time. After what felt like hours but in reality was 20 minutes Josie broke the silence "Okay I better get going, travels to embark on and all". As Josie was about to get up Hope spoke stopping the brunettes actions, "Do you mind staying with me for another minute Jo?", "Of course Hope" Josie said with her heart yelling at her to stay and be with Hope, even if it's only for a minute longer.

Josie gets comfortable again but moves a couple of inches closer to Hope wanting to feel her warmth. Both girls just stare out into the water, both to anxious to say or do anything until Josie decides to lean her head on Hope's shoulder, and Hope leans her head on top of Josie's. This makes butterflies swirl around in both girls stomachs.

Hope anxiously moves her hand over to Josie's personal space wanting to feel closer to the younger girl, until she comes into contact with one of Josie's hands and grabs it and holds it tight, giving it a little squeeze. This made Josie heat up thinking about Hope touching her, while Hope was just on cloud nine with being this close to Josie, she tried to soak it all up knowing Josie will be leaving soon.

After both girls feeling this contact for what seems like an eternity Josie slowly tried to lift her head up, which made Hope do so as well. This loss of contact made Hope sad as it means Josie is leaving and she doesn't know when she'll see her again, that's until Hope is taken out of thought by a staring Josie. Josie gracefully lifted up her other hand to move some of Hope's hair out of her face, she then placed that hand on Hope's cheek and stroked it softly. This surprised Hope as she thought Josie was about to get up and go, but little did she know this surprised Josie as well, with her thinking that her hand has a mind of its own.

Josie stopped stroking Hope's cheek and thought for a moment, and Hope just stared at Josie mesmerised and over joyed with this contact. Josie then began to look down at Hope's lips, and started to slowly lean forward, closing the space between the two girls. Until Hope was pulled into a sweet kiss by Josie, which took sometime for Hope to reprocreate, as it took her by such surprise. Hope was not expecting this.

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