Chapter Five

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I continued walking towards the Old Mill when the sun hitting the lake caught my eyes by surprise. I placed my hands over my forehead trying to not let the sun hit my eyes as I look out towards the lake. But there sitting at the edge of the docks the most beautiful and powerful person to ever exist. She had this stunning auburnette hair that shinned in the natural sunlight, this amazing figure and toned back you could see through her leather jacket. She is so sexy and so beautiful at the same time, how is it even possible for someone to look this good.

I somehow found myself walking towards her with my heart beating out of my chest, and butterflies in my stomach. How does this girl I've known my whole life make me feel so nervous, especially after all these years. While walking out towards Hope at the docks I decided this would be the perfect time to say goodbye to her.

As I got closer to Hope with only a few steps to go until I was right next to her I could hear her sniffling and saw her wiping her face. She's been crying and it shatters my heart.

"Hope" Josie said in a calm yet soothing voice as she took a set next to her on the edge of the dock. "Josie" Hope says back not taking her gaze away from the lake, and it becomes even clearer to Josie that Hope had in fact been crying. "You've been crying, why?" Hope didn't reply just continued looking out onto the water. "Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be crying". Josie did it again where she accidentally says what she is thinking, 'Oh crap' Josie thought to herself

Josie saw a small smile appear on Hope's lips, so she decided not to think to much about what she just said only that it made Hope smile a little. "Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be leaving" Hope said back, with her smile disappearing. "Ouch, way to get back at me Hope" Josie said with a laugh. Hope loved hearing Josie's laugh she couldn't get enough of it. "It's been two weeks Jo. Why?", "You know why, I don't feel like talking about it, so please can we just not", "Of course Jo whatever you want, I'll drop it until you're ready to talk about it". The two girls then fell into a silence it wasn't uncomfortable like before back in Alaric's office, it was comfortable and it felt perfect to the both of them.

"When will I see you again Jo?" Hope broke the silence, but the question took Josie by surprise no one has asked her when she's returning back to Mystic Falls. "Ummm I don't know Hope". Josie lied and her heart began to race, and that didn't go unnoticed by Hope and her supernatural hearing.

Hope finally took her gaze off the water and turned her head to look at Josie
"You're lying Jo. You don't plan on coming back do you?"
"I'm not lying Hope, I do plan on coming back."
"Jo I have supernatural hearing I can hear your heart."
"Hope of course I'm going to come back. How else will the merge happen, I just want a couple of years to live that's all."
"So what your plan is to come back in a few years time and possibly die or absorb Lizzie?"

Hope started to get angry realising Josie wouldn't be coming back, and that when she decides to return she will either lose her or watch her lose her sister. But Josie was just too stunned to see Hope care so much about her, she rarely got that, and she hadn't realised how much the older girl cared for her. Josie quickly shaked those thoughts from her head and said "I don't plan on absorbing Lizzie Hope."

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