Chapter Eighteen

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Arriving at the Salvatore school, Josie tipped the Uber driver then existed the car with her luggages, being scoped up into a big hug immediately from Lizzie. "Woah, hiiii Lizzie. I missed you too", Lizzie stopped the reunion by slapping Josie on the shoulder. "Owww what was that for Liz?" Josie said reacting to her sisters actions, "You know what! We have been worried sick about you Jo. SIX MONTHS! Six months is how long you decided not to stay in contact with anyone. Why? Tell me now!" Lizzie demanded.

Josie was about to say it was because of an incident with a certain auburnette in New Orleans, until she looked up and saw that certain auburnette standing there leaning on the doorway, next to MG. Josie couldn't help but feel a pull of wetness go to her area, when she saw Hope standing only meters away from her wearing high rise black jeans, and a semi cropped burgundy top which gave Josie a little peek at Hope's toned abs. Josie forgot how hot Hope is and she mentally slapped herself for it. Josie stood there frozen just staring at Hope taking her all in, while Hope was doing the exact same to the younger girl.

Lizzie noticed what was going on between the two girls, and coughed which broke up the staring contest between the tribrid and the siphoner. "Well I think I have my answer", Lizzie smirked. MG walked up to Josie and gave her a big hug hello and told her how much he missed her. Josie really wanted a hug hello from Hope as well. Seeing her in person made Josie feel like a dumbass for the way she spoke to her the last time they saw each other.

To try and not make things awkward Josie ignored Hope's presence, but she'll pay the price for that later. "So Lizzie why am I here?" Josie asked, going along with what Lizzie told her too. "I already- ohhh yes well Finch died and dads in the hospital", Lizzie said as if it was nothing. Josie pretended to act surprised at the news, since Lizzie had told her the last time they spoke.

Jed, Kaleb, and Cleo all walked outside and saw that Josie had arrived and said their hellos. Cleo insisted that everyone go inside to Professor Saltzman's office to catch Josie up on everything that's happened recently.

Lizzie of course took the led and told Josie everything. "So we don't know what happened to dad but all we know is that he doesn't want vampire blood. He says he doesn't deserve to be healed for what has done." Josie cut in "Which is?" Lizzie continued, "We don't know. We found- Hope found Finch's body, she died under a full moon... in her wolf form."

Josie cut in again "Four questions. One. Why wasn't Finch in a transition cell?" Jed answered, "She didn't make it in time. Professor Saltzman told her to transition in the woods." Josie continued, "Okay. Two. How did she die? Do we know the cause?" Hope answered next her voice sounding nervous, "She was shot Jo. They were wooden bullets." Josie tried so hard not to look at Hope, but with the slight mention of her name she was all eyes towards the tribrid.

"Th... three. Are we sure you didn't kill her? You found her body." Josie death glared Hope. Josie didn't mean to be so rude towards Hope, it could be because she's so sexually frustrated at this current moment. Cleo answered, "That's what we thought at first, since they were in a fight." Kaleb jumped in, "But why would Hope have wooden bullets. Only one person in this school owns and knows where the wooden bullets are kept."

Josie cut in with realisation taking over her face, "My dad... It has to be him. He told you he doesn't deserve to be healed for what he did. It's dad, Lizzie." Lizzie shook her head 'no', "No it can't be. I refuse to believe daddy killed one of his own students." Lizzie argued back, everyone rolled their eyes at Lizzie's response, except MG of course.

"You had another question Josie" Jed reminded her. "Yes. Is Finch having a funeral or something? She doesn't have any family, I was just wondering if we would be doing something." Lizzie got up from her seat and made her way over to a draw, "Yes, I'm planning it of course. I am the best party planner in town. Got that from mom. Among other things of course." Josie rolled her eyes not wanting to respond to that.

Lizzie got what she had been looking for in the draw, it was an envelope. All eyes were on Lizzie now and this mystery envelope. Lizzie gave it to Josie, it had her name written on it. Josie instantly knew who it was from by the handwriting, her eyes started to water, "Finch..." she said as she dragged her finger across her name.

Lizzie began "I found the envelope when I was cleaning out her room yesterday. There's obviously something she wanted to say to you." MG told everyone to get out of the office so Josie could be left to read her letter. Everyone except one person left.

Hope slowly walked up towards Josie who was making her way into her fathers chair. Josie hadn't notice Hope was still there, starring at her letter wondering what Finch had to say to her.

"Hey Jo", Josie jumped Hope had caught her off guard. "Hey", Josie said looking down, not wanting to face the auburnette. "Do you think... maybe... we can talk. Later of course?" Josie looked up at Hope, surprised Hope even wanted to talk to her. "You want to talk to me? After how rude I was to you in New Orleans?" Josie said in disbelief, Hope chuckled. "Of course I do. It's been six months anyway. And I'm not mad or anything at you, I never was. You were right. So what do you say Josie?"

Josie looked back down in thought, then looked back up at Hope, "Yeah. Just let me read this letter. Then talk to Lizzie. She demanded me to see her afterwards." Hope chuckled at the thought of Lizzie demanding Josie to talk to her, knowing Josie probably rolled her eyes at her twin or did her cute pouty face. "Where do I met you?" Josie asked.

"At the docks. Just message me when your done and I'll met you out there." Josie smiled remembering the last time she was at the docks, and what had happened between her and Hope. She gave Hope a kind smile and nodded her head, telling Hope that she will. And with that Hope left Josie to her letter.

Authors note: Hosie will be happening soon. I'm very excited for use all to read it. Also all questions will be answered, regarding Hope and Josie's past.

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