Chapter Nineteen

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Hope had left closing the door behind her. I got comfortable in my dad's chair. Taking a deep breath, beginning to read my letter.

Dear Josie,

If your reading this it probably means I died without getting to tell you what I'm about too. What you've been wanting to know.

You left the school a few months ago. And I'm already in trouble with someone not a werewolf, or a witch, or even a vampire. But a tribrid. If you were here I think you'd be mad at me for starting trouble with Hope, but your not and neither am I.

For me to get into the why I started trouble with Hope, I'll need to give you what you've always wanted from me ever since I broke up with you. A reason as to why I broke up with you.

The reason is plain and simple you have feelings for Hope, you always have and always will. She's your epic love and your hers. You just need to admit it to yourself, because I think you have realised it, deep down.

I think it's also important for you to remember that your only hurting her by doing what your doing. You might not realise it and that's okay. But I think, well I know you have deep down.

For you I was a short-lived love: short but cute while it lasted. I loved you and I think you loved me, but strictly during our relationship. Hope on the other hand is someone you love with your whole heart. She's your soulmate you have all this attraction towards her in ways you could never have with me, and I'm okay with that. And I want you to know that.

I didn't want to be in the cross fire or involved in a love triangle between you and Hope, so I broke things off with you. I'm not proud of how I broke up with you, and not being able to give you a reason at the time. But I don't deserve to be put through that. I hope this gives you some reassurance Jo.

But it does sadden me to know that I broke up with you and you didn't end up going to Hope. We could have had a little more time together, I really did love you Jo.

When we last talked I told you that you were running away from your problems, by leaving. The merge, that's your problem. I might not know you as well as I'd like to, but I know you well enough to know that your scared of dying on Hope or killing Lizzie in the merge. And that's fine but stop bottling it all up Jo let it out. Be the centre of attention for once, take the spotlight away from Lizzie. Be selfish.

Moving on, I'd be surprised if Hope wasn't the one to kill me. I really pissed her of Jo. I'm sorry if your the one that has to clean up my mess.

I don't think Hope liked me very much at all when we were dating. Once you left I gave her shit about how she had feelings for you, and how she's a coward for not going for you, and that she basically took time away from us. Because we could of had the chance to be together longer.

I then had a go at her for not getting you in New Orleans when she came back. Lizzie, rumours travel fast. I told Hope almost everything I just told you. She's knows I broke up with you because I knew you had feelings for her, and she for you. She didn't take that well. You really did a number on her huh?

I really do regret starting something shit with her, but I'm not sorry. I think in a way I helped use both with your feeling for each other. Maybe not, but I'm rooting for use.

Just a FYI never piss off a tribrid. Their punch's kill and somehow take forever to heal.

I hope you eventually see why I broke up with you for yourself one day hopefully soon. Remember to live for yourself Jo. Be selfish.

With love,

Finch Tarrayo

I smiled at the letter feeling... feeling like I know what I have to do next...

Authors note: How do we feel knowing Finch is a secret Hosie? 😂

Also stay tuned Hosie is coming very soon. I hope use like what I have coming up for them.

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