Chapter Eleven

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It's 1:00am in Japan and my Dad keeps calling me. Dad just let me sleep, I have a plane to catch in the morning. What does he want?

Josie answers the incoming call from her father.

"Hey Dad, is something wrong?" Josie says groggily.

"Hey honey, ohhh did I wake you?"

"Yea and I have a plane to catch in the morning."

"I'm sorry, where are you off to now?"

"I said in my post card. Have you still not received them?"

"No I haven't sweetheart. Are you sure you wrote the right address?"

"Yes I am Dad, I do know my own address. Anyway I'm going to India next." My Dad doesn't need to know where I'm really going to next.

"That sounds fun sweetie, but do you mind coming back home tomorrow? We have an emergency, and I think you're the only one that can solve it for us." Alaric said desperately.

"I can't change the tickets I really need to go to Ne- India. I'm really looking forward to it Dad. Are you sure Lizzie can't help with it?"

"It's about Hope, Josie."

There was dead silence on Josie's side of the call.

"Josie, I think Hope really needs you... only you."

"Dad I can't, I'm sorry."

"Josie please? I'm worried she about to turn her humanity off."

"Why don't you get the Mikaelson's to help? Rebekah? Kol? Marcel? Davina? Keelin?" Josie pleaded.

"You're right!" Alaric agreed not wanting to push Josie anymore into coming back to Mystic Falls.

"I should get Freya Mikaelson over here immediately!"

"No Dad!" Josie couldn't have Freya in Mystic Falls she needed her in New Orleans.

"What?" Alaric said confused.

"Not Freya. Get Rebekah she's a vampire maybe see can help Hope more with her vampire side and all her emotions."

"See Jo I knew you could help I can always rely on you. I'll get Rebekah Mikaelson over here immediately. Thank you Jo, I love you, have fun."

"Love you Dad. Bye."

*Josie hangs up*

Hope could turn her humanity off? Why? Is it because of me? I don't know what to do, I feel so conflicted. Why do I have to have such strong feelings for her, and her for me. I just want to live my life away from Mystic Falls, away from everything... but Hope. Maybe this is all just in my mind and these visions are messing with me. I need to see Freya Mikaelson. I need to get rid of them. I need to think clear again.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now