Chapter Twenty Six

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I woke up and I can't believe this is really real, I thought last night was a dream. I really got the girl. Cuddling into me is the most beautiful girl ever. 'How did I ever get so lucky. Don't fuck this up Hope', I said to myself mentally.

Stroking the brunette hair out of her face and staring at Josie with absolute bliss, Hope was in heaven. Starting to stir awake a naked Josie woke up cuddling into a naked Hope. "Good morning sunshine, did I wake you?", Hope asked Josie. "Hey good morning Hopey, no you didn't. But I don't mind waking up to you, I could get use to this and I don't mean you stroking my hair and looking at me all lovey dovey. Your morning look is hot especially when you naked." Josie said with a wink and began to close her eyes again, cuddling more into Hope.

Hope's face went beet red. "Well I could get use to waking up next to you to Miss Josette Saltzman, may I remind you that you're also naked under these sheets", Hope said with a light chuckle, making Josie's cheeks tint red as well.

Josie opened her eyes staring up at Hope with a small smile on her face, "How long have you been up?" Josie asked changing the subject from their naked bodies. "Not long I just couldn't help myself but look at the most beautiful person on Earth", Josie drove her head into Hope's side, why does Hope make her feel this way she thought.

Hope started giggling at Josie, which made Josie bring her head back up to look at Hope. "So Josie... I was wondering would you maybe want to be my-", Hope began but Josie cut her off. "No! I know what your about to say. And no. Take me on a date first. I think you can wait a little longer, to have me all to yourself." Josie raised her head and pecked Hope's lips.

"Okay! So Josie I was wondering would you maybe want to go on a date with me tonight?" the tribrid asked with a big smile. "Hmmm... Hope Mikaelson the all mighty tribrid asking little old me out on a date. I guess I'll have to check my calendar", Josie pretended to think and Hope both admired and giggled at the brunette. "Hmmm... I guess that I'm all yours tonight then Miss Mikaelson."

Hope scooped Josie up so that she was now on top of her, she cupped the younger girls face kissing her passionately, putting all her love for Josie into this one kiss. After kissing for what seems like forever, Josie laid her head on Hope's chest, and the two just cuddled. Not needing to talk but just been in each other's presence. That was soon about to be ruined.

"HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE! Have you seen J-" Lizzie barged into Hope's room yelling, but seeing her sister cuddling into Hope was something that she wasn't expecting. "OH MY GOD! JOSIE YOU GOT THE GIRL AND HOPE YOU ALSO GOT THE GIRL! I ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO RUN AWAY AGAIN JO", Lizzie continued yelling.

"Damm I own MG $50" Lizzie said under her breath, Hope heard that and chuckled making Josie look up at her with a confused look, Hope gave her a look telling her 'Don't worry, I'll tell you later'.

"OH MY GOD! DID USE HAVE SEX?" Lizzie pointed at the clothes on the floor, and her sister and Hope that are clearly naked in bed. Josie squeezed her face into the crook of Hope's neck from embarrassment, while Hope started rubbing small circles on the brunettes back to comfort her, knowing this situation is making her feel uncomfortable.

Lizzie made her way to Hope's bed sitting on the edge, "Who would have thought. Good for you guys. Use were a bit tense, hopefully your activities loosened use up a little." Hope chuckled at what Lizzie said and Josie noticed, so she told her off by slapping the older girls shoulder lightly.

"What do you want Lizzie?" Josie muffled agitated, from the crook of Hope's neck. "I can't hear you from your lovers neck Jo", Lizzie teasingly said to her sister. "What do you want Lizzie?" Josie said again agitated as she sat up on Hope making the sheets fall off of her naked back. This sent Lizzie into a panic she ran towards the door, screaming. "NEVER MIND! STOP HAVING SEX AND COME HELP ME RUN THE SCHOOL."

Now sitting up naked on a naked Hope, Josie and Hope kept a gaze on one another. Josie chuckled knowing exactly what Hope is thinking, "So what did you hear my sister say under her breath Hopey?" Josie said seductively, trying to tease Hope into thinking what could possibly happen next between them. Hope could barely breath just looking at Josie, let alone talk to her. "Sh... she... and MG made a bet... on us... $50... Lizzie lost", Hope managed to get out as fast as she could.

"Really?" Josie said bringing a finger onto her lip and biting on it. "Oh well I'll have to talk to her about that later", she continued.

About to get off of Hope, Josie was pushed back down by her hips. "Hope" Josie said to Hope's action, "Josie" Hope replied back to the brunette. "Hope as much as I would love to have some pretty amazing morning sex with you especially after last night, Lizzie needs help running the school." Hope smirked, "So I'm just pretty amazing. Let me turn that into AMAZING with caps."

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