Chapter Thirty Five

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After spending the whole day at the school catching up with Caroline, Hope and Josie finally decide that it is time to leave. Saying their goodbyes Hope keeps her promise and takes Josie straight to the hospital.

Breaking the comfortable silence and turning down the music in the car Josie speaks up. "Hope?" Josie says, Hope hums to her girlfriend in response. "What do you have planned?" Josie asks. "Well once we get to New Orleans as much as I would love to give you a tour, I would also love you to give me a tour... if you know what I mean", Hope says with a smirk raising her eyebrows up and down to the brunette.

Josie hits Hope's shoulder lightly at her being so inappropriate, only to cover herself from getting flustered and the blush that crept onto her cheeks. "No that's not what I meant Hope. With my dad- MG he said he overheard you talking to the school", Josie said only seriousness showing on her face.

Hope chuckled, "Ohhh that. Well... I didn't mean it, I was only saying it to get the school of his back", Hope says thinking she's telling Josie what she wants to hear. "It's okay if you were telling the truth. You don't have to lie to me. However you're feeling towards... him is completely valid Hope." Josie says, grabbing Hope's hand that is resting on her thigh and kissing her knuckles.

Hope smiles at this action, "Okay well if I'm being completely honest with my hot powerful girlfriend", Hope starts making Josie blush hard. "I was telling the truth to the school. I haven't decided if I want to kill him... or just torture him", Hope says trying to read her girlfriends facial expressions.

Josie sighs, "Do whatever you think is right... or necessary", she says kissing Hope's hand again. "I just have a few questions for him though. Like how did Finch out of all people know how to kill me, and what to kill me with. And how did Alaric even find this all out. It all just doesn't add up. I think I just need answers, so I can put all this overthinking to rest." Hope sighs. Josie nods agreeing, "As I said do what you think is necessary. Find out everything you want and need to know."

"You know I never knew you could be like this", Hope said being surprised by how her girlfriend is being towards her father. She never thought Josie could be so... nasty. "Like what? Mean towards my father. You weren't there Hope. You weren't there when he was talking about how he had killed Finch and how he was talking about using you. It's like he had no emotion, no guilt towards what he did. That's not right. And I won't support that, I can't. I... I lo- I like you so much and I really won't stand for that even if it's from my own father." Josie said in almost one breath, fixing her slip up thinking it's too soon to say 'I love you'.

Hope heard Josie's slip up and her heart was doing backflips, all she could think about is that Josie loves her. She knows Josie didn't say it because she would think it's too soon, so Hope left it unnoticed until she knew it would be the perfect time to say it back, knowing that she loves Josie too. Hope quickly pulled herself out of thought and said, "I understand love, I also like you too, so much." Josie squeezed Hope's hand and smiled.

Arriving at the hospital, Hope dropped Josie off to have some time alone with her father while she went and parked the car.

Speed walking to her fathers hospital room, was a frustrated Josie. Josie's anger was building up thinking about seeing her father, she really hopes Hope gives him what he deserves. "Hey Jo what brings you back here after your last visit", Alaric said smiling at his daughters presence thinking she's here to forgive him.

Josie starts, "I'm here to say goodbye. You're never going to see me again-", Alaric cuts in, "Josie you don't mean that." Josie is getting frustrated very easily at her father. "I'm talking don't interrupted me! And I do mean that, don't tell me what I do and don't mean. Now I'm leaving Mystic Falls again, with my girlfriend... Hope, we are going to New Orleans. Now I'm only telling you this to remind you about what you said about my girlfriend the last time we spoke." Josie said only spite leaving her lips.

Alaric didn't know what to say he was surprised by his daughters tone, and finding out that Hope was her girlfriend. "Now you WILL NOT be returning to The Salvatore School as headmaster. Or at all for that matter. Mom has taken over as headmistress, and if you ever make it out of this hospital alive you'll have to deal with her. I'd wish you luck but I really don't want to. And you don't deserve it for that matter." Josie says with no emotion besides anger leaving her mouth towards her father.

Hope creeps the door open a little bit, thinking it was her time to shine before her girlfriend said or did something she would regret later. The door creaked a little when opening getting the brunettes attention. Josie immediately turned around seeing her girlfriend, and gave her a loving smile. Which Hope of course returned back.

"Hey love, do you maybe wanna hit up the vending machine and get some snacks for the road?" Hope asked, well more like told her girlfriend, trying to give the girl money. Josie of course declined the money, and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. "Of course I will baby", Josie said giving Hope a knowing look and left to do as she was told. Hope smiled at the new name her girlfriend had given her, before getting pulled out of thought by the man she hates most in the world. Alaric Saltzman.

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