Chapter Thirty Two

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Pulling the girls out of their heated kiss Hope's phone began ringing. Josie moaned agitated that she had lost contact with Hope, missing her girlfriends lips. Hope giggled at this, reaching for her phone seeing that her Aunt Rebekah was the one at fault for their loss of contact. Hope answered the call from her Aunt, putting her on speaker so Josie could listen in.

"Hello Aunty Bex. What do you want?"

"Young lady that is no way to speak to me."

"You're the one that interrupted my date."

"I'm sorry about that little one, but we need your help back at the school. And Josie as well."

"But I left you and Aunt Freya to help Lizzie while I went on my date. How can an over a thousand year old vampire and witch, with help from other supernaturals still need more help?"

"You sent them to the school just so we could go on a date?" Josie asked, interrupting Hope and her aunts conversation. "Yes of course I did. I told you everything was taken care of", Hope said giving Josie a loving smile. Josie kissed Hope's cheek.

"Well that's the problem. No one's helping. Now before you say anything Hope let me explain... umm where do I start? So that young man, what was his name? The one that hangs around Lizzie."


"Yes MG. He told Lizzie about what happened at the hospital, which sent her mad, Freya tried to help, well she is. Freya is with them right now. That boy does have quite the big mouth though, but that is what love does to the best of us."

"Can you get to the point Aunty Bex!"

"Okay... ummm then I guess a vampire over heard and started telling the rest of the school what happened. So now I have not only angry vampires, but witches and werewolves as well. I need help Hope. I have no clue where Freya went with Lizzie and MG. And all these students want to kill your soon-to-be girlfriends father."

"Girlfriend. She's my girlfriend Aunty Bex."

"Oh my god you got the girl Hope! I'm so happy for you, pass the phone to Josie I would like to have a little chat with her."

"No, you can talk to her when we get to the school. We're on our way now."

*Hope hangs up on her Aunt Rebekah*

Josie poured herself some more champagne, "You can go back to the school but I'm staying right here. I'm gonna enjoy every last thing about this date." Hope raised her eyebrows at Josie, "Seriously? Lizzie has gone mad finding out what your dad did, and the school wants to kill him." Josie downed the whole glass of champagne before continuing, "His not my dad. Not anymore. For all I care the school can kill him. And as for Lizzie... well Lizzie... I..."

Hope placed her hand on Josie's cheek, "Just come back for Lizzie. I promise you more dates forever. Plus you can meet my aunts as my official girlfriend." Hope said trying to tempt Josie into coming back to the school with her. "Okayyy, plus I do feel bad that your aunts are looking after my families school", Josie said placing her hand on Hope's. "Don't be. Trust me they're enjoying it. I wouldn't be surprised if we go back and my Aunt Rebekah has restyled the whole school", Hope chuckled. "My mom would not be happy about that", Josie said making both girls laugh.

Hope and Josie got themselves dressed and cleaned up from their recent activities, that left them looking all over the place. When in the car Hope noticed in the mirror bruises all over her neck. "You rush me away from our date to go back to the school, and it takes you forever to start the car. Is something wrong Hope?" Josie asked, not understanding why Hope is just sitting there starring at herself.

"What did you do Jo?" Hope asked turning her gaze to Josie. "I seriously have no idea what you're on about Hope." Josie said obliviously, not understanding what the tribrid was getting at. Hope raised her eyebrows and pointed at her neck. Josie bursted out laughing, and Hope couldn't help but laugh as well.

"How did you do it Jo?" Hope asked curiously not knowing how the brunette pulled this off. "I did an enchantment. I had noticed how fast you were healing and I didn't like that, I want people to know you're mine, just like when people see me and my love bites and know that I'm yours. I can undo it if you would like?" Hope put her finger to her chin pretending to think, "Hmmm I think I'll leave them. But I wonder what my aunts are going to say about them." Hope teases.

A hint of panic takes residence on Josie's face. This doesn't go unnoticed by Hope, she gently grabs Josie's face with her hand so that the brunette relaxes a bit, in which she does. Hope pulls Josie into a short kiss. Breaking away Hope reassures Josie, "If you want you can siphon the spell, and redo it another time if you're not ready for a million and one questions from my aunts."

Josie nods her head 'yes' knowing that she'll be uncomfortable by the confrontation from Hope's aunts. She begins siphoning the spell from Hope, "Don't you worry you'll have your way and everyone will know I'm yours." Hope says cockily with a smug smirk, Josie just nudges her and Hope fakes being hurt.

With that Hope drives back to the school. The car ride was filled with a mixture of chatter and comfortable silence. But in between that was a serious conversation between Hope and Josie.

"So Jo... when we get back to the school... I'll deal with everything, you just go find Lizzie, MG, and my Aunt Freya", Hope says getting Josie's full attention. Josie was about to protest but Hope cut in before she could, "Don't argue. I got this, just find them. And send my aunt to me." Josie nods her head in response.

After a couple of minutes of silence Josie breaks it, "I think... after everything is settled at the school... I'm gonna call my mom, and tell her to... take over the school for now. Because I don't want to do it, and I don't think it should be left to just Lizzie, or you even." Hope nods her head in response agreeing with what her girlfriend is saying, knowing Caroline will be a better headmistress than Alaric could ever be.

"I was also wondering... after I call my mom... can you...", Josie begins anxiously. Hope sees this and squeezes her thigh to bring the younger girl comfort. "Can you take me to the hospital... I have some things I need to say to my dad", Hope opens her mouth to say something but Josie still has one more thing to ask of Hope.

"I also want to leave again... but with you this time. Maybe we can go back to New Orleans or travel the world together. The school is the last place I want to be right now, or ever... as of right now", Josie finishes of unsure of how the auburnette is going to react to her proposal.

Hope pulls the car over to the side of the road, this leaves Josie feeling a bit anxious, with her heart beating faster and faster at the thought of being rejected. "Jo wherever you are is where I want to be. If you don't want to be at the school anymore, we'll help Lizzie and my aunts, and then see your dad. And once your mom arrives we'll leave", Hope grabs Josie hands in hers.

"But I'd love to go back to New Orleans with you and show you absolutely everything there is to see, you can even meet the rest of my family, and eat more beignets", Hope offers with a giggle. Josie graciously says yes and pulls Hope into a passionate kiss, before Hope continues making her way back to the school.

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