Chapter Twenty

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Authors note: Last episode of Legacies tonight. To celebrate here is another chapter.

I marched to Lizzie and I's room, Finch is right I need to stop bottling everything up. I need to start being selfish. I walked in and slammed the door shut getting Lizzie's attention. "Jo, what's wrong?" Lizzie asked surprised by my actions. "We need to talk. I need to tell you everything Lizzie." I said water starting to pool in my eyes.

Lizzie sat on her bed and I sat on mine sitting opposite from her, I began to tell her everything. Starting from when Hope saved me, to why I stopped talking to her, the day I left and what happened out on the dock, the sleep visions, messages and calls Hope and I shared while I was away, my trip to New Orleans, everything up to Finch's letter that I let her read.

"Wow Josette Saltzman. Even your ex knew you have feeling for Hope." Lizzie was taking all this information in and trying to process, for once she was actually speechless. "Lizzie, basically my ex broke up with me because of Hope. Even my ex knew I had feeling for her while I was too scared to admit it to myself." I blurted out, "But why? Why were you so scared?" Lizzie questioned. I took a deep breath and told her my plans about the merge.

"Jo, we'll find a way out of this, we found a way out of Malivore, we'll find a way out of this as well. Don't worry. Do you see me worrying? Do you see me putting my life on hold?" I shook my head 'no'. Lizzie continued on, "Exactly no, because we have plenty of time to worry about it... later."

I let my emotions loose and bursted out into a fit of tears. Lizzie sat next to me and comforted me as much as she could. "I... I... I ca... can... can't... get with H... Hop... Hope" I sobbed, "Why Jo?" Lizzie asked trying to sooth me. I take a deep breath and try to compose myself, "Be... because so many people have died on her already I can't be one of them. I can't be added to that list. She's lost too much already. Her emotions are too strong for me. It'll kill her. I'm afraid she'll turn her humanity off... plus it's inevitable I'll eventually die, I have an expiration date and Hope gets to live forever. She's The Tribrid."

"So become a vampire Jo, well heretic, live forever with her? Get the girl." Lizzie broke the silence. I turned my face towards Lizzie who is now sitting on the right side of me. "I don't want too. Not right now anyway. I don't know what I want in life. I don't know if I want my own family, or what not. I'm still young. Maybe I want to have kids Lizzie." I said still unsure of what I want in life. "With Hope?" Lizzie asked.

I smiled at the thought of that, "I mean I don't want to dig into the future or anything but it would be nice too... with her at least. I would love to have a future with Hope. That's one thing I'm sure about. But we can't Lizzie." I dryly chuckled out.

Lizzie looked confused as to why, "Why can't use have a family? Jump her bones, or whatever." I began to burst out laughing "Oh my god Lizzie... we can't... because we're girls... we don't have the parts. I also don't know if Hope can still have kids considering she's now a tribrid. Or if she wants to. She's still young as well. And I swear she hates kids, have you seen how she is with Pedro?" I giggled thinking about Hope with children. Lizzie smiled at me, seeing me laugh and talk about a future with Hope.

I continued on, "Plus that's not what I was getting at. What I meant is that I can't. I don't want to die on her. Let alone die on her with a kid. I... I can't." A single tear fell out of my eyes, slowly falling down my face.

Lizzie wiped the tear away and cuddled me, "Anything is possible Jo. Anything is possible in the world we live in." Lizzie gave me a reassuring smile.

Breaking the silence Lizzie began, "Josie I think you have been incredibly stupid with Hope. Yes I know the merge has played a big part in why you don't want to get into a relationship with her. But I think you should take your ex's advice and be selfish. You should go get the girl. Go be happy you deserve this more than anyone I know. Go be happy Jo." Lizzie said to Josie, making Josie think about what her decision should be.

The twins cuddled and talked some more about everything, until Josie had come to a decision. She messaged the auburnette telling her she is ready to meet her out on the dock, 'I'm ready to meet you' the siphoner messaged the tribrid.

Getting out of the bed and walking to her dorm room door, Lizzie stopped Josie's actions with her words. "Whatever your decision may be I support you one hundred percent Jo. But if you did make the right decision. The decision to be with Hope, then please don't tell Hope the advice I gave you. I told her a while back and I quote 'the two of you are never happening'. I'd like her to still think she doesn't have what it takes to date you". Lizzie chuckled out, then shooed Josie with her hands to leave.

Authors note: btw I'll still update tomorrow.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now