Chapter Twenty Nine

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Storming out of her fathers hospital room and out to the hospital carpark, Josie noticed that MG was gone. 'MG where are you?' Josie asked herself, that was until an auburnette pulled up in front of the brunette.

Quickly vamping out of her car seeing that Josie has been crying, Hope pulled Josie into a tight hug never wanting to let her go, "MG told me everything that happened. You're okay. I'm here. I got you." Those words made Josie feel so many things. "You are here Hope. And you got me. Now never let me go", Josie said with a broken voice. "I promise you. Always and forever. I'll never let you go Josie", Hope said knowing that she meant every word she just said.

Hope directed Josie into the car and then herself. Josie leaned her head on the window just gazing off, not really paying attention to where or how long she had been in the car. Hope was worried about Josie, when she found out from MG what Alaric had said her blood began to boil. But knowing how Josie stuck up for her made her heart explode, Hope really loves Josie. She can't wait to show her just how much.

Looking back and forth at the road and Josie, Hope decided to break the silence. "Jo... Jo... Jo... Josie", Hope repeated until she got Josie out of thought. "Hey I'm sorry", Josie said softly now facing Hope. "It's okay. What going on inside that beautiful head of yours?" Hope asked looking at Josie like a love struck idiot. "I'm just thinking. About my dad... Alaric. MG told you everything?" Josie asked.

Hope took a deep breath "Yeah", she exhaled. Hope then leaned over and grabbed Josie's hand, "It's okay. I understand why he did it. You know, I'll always protect you. Maybe Lizzie too if she doesn't annoy me too much or make jokes about my height", Hope continued making Josie smile with her joke. Hope smiled to herself happy that she made Josie smile. "But still your a person you shouldn't be used like that", Josie said. Hope squeezed Josie's hand and gave her an 'I know' look.

"Anyway, Miss Mikaelson where are you taking me? Because this is definitely not the way back to the school", Josie asked. "Well I have decide to start our date a couple of hours earlier, thought you needed some cheering up. And that's all you need to know Josette." Hope said with a smirk, she's so excited for what she has planned for Josie.

We finally arrived at the restaurant, I parked the car and vamped over to Josie's door to open it for her. "Oh thank you Hope, what a gentlewoman you are", Josie said putting my hand into hers. I smiled at the action. "Well I can be gentle whenever I need to be", I said with a smirk making Josie blush. "Well I do like you when your rough. If I'm being completely honest", Josie said making me choke on my own saliva. "That's good to know", was all I could manage to get out in between coughs, Josie giggled at me being flustered.

I opened the door to the restaurant letting Josie walk in first, she thanked me. We walked up to the host desk, "Hi. I have a reservation under the name Mikaelson", I said to the man. "Yes. Hope Mikaelson. A table for two. In our diamond seating area", I shook my head 'yes'. "Follow me", the man said leading Josie and I to our table.

This place is so fancy I don't think I've ever been anywhere this fancy, or even on a first date this extravagant. Hope has been so good to me opening my doors, taking my seat out and pushing me in, I've really never been treated this way before. It feels weird. But nice. It's so nice. I think I could get use to this.

The waiter come to our table and introduced herself and gave Hope and I menus to chose from. "So what do you plan on getting my love?" Hope asked me. "I haven't even looked at the menu yet. Hope this place is so fancy. We could of just gone to 'The Grill'", Hope looked at me weirdly. "No. You deserve more than just 'The Grill' Jo. Let me treat you how you should be treated. Like a queen", those words made me feel so many things but special and loved were the two that stood out the most. This was so new to me.

The waiter came to the table asking us what we would like to eat, I still haven't decided. A look of anxiety covered my face, and Hope noticed she reached for my hand under the table and stroked it calming me down. "I'll get the chicken schnitzel with a side of salad, and she'll have the vegetarian lasagna with a side of salad as well", Hope answered for me. I thanked her with a look. The waiter walked away getting the chef to start our order.

The girls first date went beautifully. Hope and Josie ate and talked about their lives, in the six months they were without one another. Hope covered the bill when Josie went to the bathroom, knowing that she would insist on paying.

Now in the car again Hope has something else up her sleeve for Josie. "Hope where are we going?" Josie said breaking the silence, "You really need to know don't you. Just let it be a surprise Jo." Josie didn't reply she just sat in her seat in the comfortable silence. "Jo?" Hope said breaking the silence, "Mmmhmmm" Josie replied back. "Why don't you put some music on?" Hope asked. Josie played around with the radio finding a station, she wished the car had an aux cord she had the perfect playlist on her phone for this evening.

After driving for half an hour Hope parked the car on the side of the road. "Okay put this on", Hope pulled out a blindfold for Josie to wear. "Seriously Hope?" Josie insisted. "Yes seriously. Come on Jo", Josie huffed and did as she was told. "That's a good girl", Hope said with a smirk then started driving again. Josie immediately felt a pool of wetness go down to her area by those words.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now