Chapter Two

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"Dad please understand I need to do this, everyone is okay with this except for you. Even mom and Lizzie are on bored. I ever told MG. I need a break from this school, and this town I've been here my whole life. I need a new start. I need to find myself before the merge. We defeated Malidon. Hope did. But... but". I got sucked into a hug, tears trying to pull through my eyes but I didn't let them. I wouldn't. I can't cry I have to been strong. I need to leave.

My dad began to break the long silence "Sweetie you're my little girl it just saddens me to see you leave. I love you so much Josette". I wanted to say 'I love you' back but was to scared that my voice would sound broken. So I just hugged my dad even tighter.

I wanted this embrace to last forever. I don't know when I'm going to see my dad again, or if I ever will. After a couple of minutes there was a knock at the door to my father's office. Still embracing each other my dad said "Come in". I brought my head up from the hug to see who it was, but quickly put it back down after seeing who it was. I really didn't need this right now.

My dad picked up on what I just did and started to rub small circles on my back to comfort me, while still remaining in a tight hug. "Hope what is it that I can help you with?" my dad said. "Ummm ughhh ummm did... did something happen?" Hope said struggling to speak after seeing Josie and Alaric in a tight hug, worried something had happened with Josie, Alaric shot Hope a confused look. "With Jo... Josie. Are you okay Josie?" Hope said worry clear in her voice.

I tried to hug my dad even tighter thinking I was already hugging him as tight as I could, trying to tell him not to give her the answer that he will end up giving her anyway. I know he is a professor and a headmaster but my dad can be so stupid sometimes. "Just getting some quality goodbye time with my little girl" my dad says, I mentally face palmed myself, why did he tell her?!

Hope's face softens and her blue eyes start to water up a little, but she tries so hard not to let tears fall through. "Josie is leaving?", her voice sounded so broken Josie was taken aback, she felt her heart break a little. Hope herself was surprised that the brunette had such a big impact on her emotions. She knew she did from when she had saved Josie, but she just didn't know how much.

Alaric being a bit delayed now finally understood the situation and broke the awkward silence to answer Hope's question. "Yes she is", Alaric said while trying to pull away from Josie but she didn't let him. She couldn't face Hope, not now and probably never again. "Josie here is leaving the Salvatore school and Mystic Falls for that matter, to discover the world and all its beauty", Josie was so relieved that her father told that lie, knowing that if he had told Hope the truth Hope would think Josie is leaving because of her.

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