Chapter Fifteen

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Two days later and Freya still hasn't worked out who's casting this spell on me. I have an idea who it could be, and I have this whole time... but I might be wrong. Freya says she's close.

We've been driving for almost two days I'm going to get the girl. I have to get the girl. Is Josie really going to turn me down in front of my whole family, in my hometown? I doubt it, it's Josie. We'll arrive at the compound in 20 minutes.

Freya, Marcel and I are all sitting in the library. Freya gasped, I jumped up I think it's done "Is it done? Did you figure out who it-". I was cut off by the doors to the library opening, and Rebekah Mikaelson barging in with Hope following closely behind. I felt my heart quite literally leave my chest. Why is she here? Did Freya tell her I was back? Is she the one behind the visions?

Me and Auntie Bex have arrived, we marched up to the library that's where Josie is. I can hear Aunt Freya putting on a show for her, making her think she just figured out who did the spell. Josie is going to be so mad at me. We barged into the library, Josie looked surprised with disbelief written on her face. I just don't know if it's a good surprised with disbelief or a bad surprised with disbelief.

Josie stormed out past Hope and Rebekah. She ran to the room she had been staying in and grabbed her luggages. She was about to leave the room and call herself an Uber, until the door opened. It was Hope. Josie is furious she doesn't know why she's so angry but she is.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS HOPE! You couldn't just leave things how they were. We called the other night and it was perfect. But now you show up here. And I'm guessing by your sudden appearance your the one that put those visions in my head. Just let go Hope. How many times do I have to tell you. JUST LET ME GO. THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK OUT. Just stop everything, especially the visions. I can't do this Hope, and you know it and you keep pushing and pushing and it's killing me. It's absolutely killing me. It's making everything so much harder." Josie yelled out to Hope with tears running down her cheeks. Hope just stood there frozen not knowing what to do or say to Josie, her heart broke seeing Josie like this and knowing she's the one that caused her pain. She thought she should of just left things how they were.

Josie stood there for a couple of seconds just staring at Hope waiting for her to say something, but when Hope just stood there not saying a word Josie grabbed her luggages and left. Josie couldn't look at Hope not because she was disappointed or angry, but because her heart is yelling out to her for being so stupid towards her. She just wanted to grab her face and kiss her, but she can't let Hope love her, not with her expiration date.

Josie left for the airport again, but now she's not telling anyone where she is headed. No more post cards, no calls, and no messages. Not to her Dad, Lizzie, MG, and hell to Hope, just a strong clocking spell. Hope on the other hand has been staying in New Orleans, what Josie said had really effected her she felt terrible. But never terrible enough to turn her emotions off she wouldn't do that to Josie, she knows Josie would beat herself up to much if she did.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now