Chapter Twenty Three

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'I'm ready to meet you' my phone reads to me, and my stomach fills with butterflies. I rushed out of my bedroom and down to the dock. Not using my vampire speed, I didn't want to seem too desperate, even though I really am.

I arrived at the dock and saw that Josie was already here. She was standing with her back towards me and her face facing the dark water, it's night. I could hear low whimpers coming from Josie, this made me rush up to her faster than I was already going.

"Jo", Hope said in a low voice, making the siphoner jump not realising the tribrid had already arrived. Josie started wiping her tears, not wanting Hope to see her like this. Hope walked in front of Josie's face and gave her a pout asking the younger girl, "Why are you crying love?"

Then used her thumbs to wipe the remaining tears off of Josie's cheeks. This gave Josie butterflies, she loved it when Hope called her 'love', and she was longing for Hope's touch.

Josie then broke down crying to the ground and huddled herself into a ball, she didn't know why being in Hope's presence all of a sudden made her feel so emotional. Hope got to the younger girls level and scoped her into her arms, and patted small circles on her back whispering reassuring things into her ear.

After a few minutes of Josie crying into Hope Josie composed herself and decided to break the silence. "I'm so sorry Hope-", Josie began until she got cut off. "It's okay Jo. You have nothing to be sorry for", Hope cut in trying to comfort the girl. "Hope let me talk!" Josie demanded, the demand sent arousal straight to Hope's area. "Sorry go on Jo", Hope struggled but managed to say.

"I'm ready to talk about what happened... when you saved me. Let me just say I've been so selfish between us and whatever we had... have going on. I only did what I thought was right, instead of considering you and your feelings. I ran away from you at the train yard when we kissed because I was scared, not just because I had cheated on Finch and I know what that's like. But... but because, I'm terrified. Hope, I'm terrified to be with you." Hope knew where this was going, so she cut in not caring about what Josie had said earlier.

"I know what your about to say", Hope cut in. "No you don't Hope!" Josie said sternly. "I do Jo. I... I heard you and Lizzie talking earlier, it's because of the merge. Your scared of being another person to die on me." This took Josie aback, she didn't know if she should be mad at Hope for listening to her and Lizzie's conversation, or worried about what she could have heard between the two sisters.

"Hope...", Josie started. "Josie shut up and listen to me for once! It's the least you own me, especially after avoiding me all day, clocking yourself only from me, going missing for six months after I tried to pine for you, kissing me then not only running away but avoiding me for weeks. Should I go on Jo? Because there is more!" Hope said in a serious manner. Josie put her head down looking at the ground, then back up to face Hope, "I'm sorry. Go on."

"Josie I don't remember exactly when I fell so deeply in love with you, but it definitely took me by surprise, and since my feelings have only grown. Yes I've done some questionable things such as putting visions in your head, stealing your post cards, etcetera etcetera." Hope chuckled as she reached down for Josie's hands, holding one in each of her palms. Josie smiled and squeezed Hope's hands telling her to continue on with her speech.

"Jo I know you're worried about loving me, I get that your scared, you don't want me to lose you. We both have this in common because... I'm worried too. I'm worried about you loving me. I'm worried about what could happen in the future. I'm scared... hell I'm even terrified, but I don't want to lose you and for me to not be able to lose you I need to have you first." Hope said with tears forming in her eyes, and Josie's as well.

"You're so kind hearted that you were doing what you thought was best by pushing me away, and that hurt but I understand. Because I understand you. And I understand that you're not selfish, you're selfless and so caring of the people around you. But Jo I think you need... no... I want you... I want you to be selfish with me. I want you Josie."

Josie chucked, "That's what Finch said. She wanted me to be selfish with you. Even my ex knew how much I love you."

Hope stepped a little closer to Josie still holding both her hands, "Josette Olivia Saltzman I chose you. I've always chosen you. The day I tried to save you and your family other than Landon, was the day I knew for sure that I cared more about you than my own boyfriend at the time. Yes you might have an expiration date but we can find a way out of it, we always do. I want you to live out your life for as long as you want, kids and all. And when your ready... hopefully, I can have an eternity with you if that's what you want."

Josie didn't know what to say, Hope left her completely speechless with her confession. But it also made her feel a little embarrassed, that
Hope had over heard her and Lizzie's conversation about her wanting kids with Hope possibly. "You really did hear our whole conversation didn't you?" Josie managed to say, with a light chuckle. "Yes I did, no need to be embarrassed love. I want a future with you too because we can have one Josie. It is possible for us, and I think you need to not only realise it, but accept it."

Josie took a deep breath, "I think I have realised it but just never accepted it. I've been too scared. I think I can accept it with time, and with you by my side. If that's where you want to be. We can finally see where this... us can go. And to answer you, I don't need to be a vampire to start an eternity with you." Hope looked at Josie confused, "Because I can do it right now. I think I have and always will be ready for an eternity with you, Hope Andrea Mikaelson." Josie chuckled and Hope giggled in relief.

Hope took this moment to grab what was rightfully hers, she closed the space between herself and Josie until their lips touched. The kiss was deep and passionate, they put all their feeling towards one another into it. The girls only broke apart if air was needed.

The kiss started to get heated when the brunette's tongue asked for entrance into the auburnette's mouth. To which the auburnette happily accepted. Both girls tongues were tangled and went to war battling over dominance, to which Hope won. She smiled into the kiss for her win not only for dominance, but for also getting the girl.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now