Chapter Eight

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The kiss kept getting deeper and deeper but still staying passionate, with the two girls separating every now and then for air. Josie wanted to go further with the kiss but thought it would be way to risky too, Hope wanted to as well but just didn't want it to happen out on the dock or outside for that matter, she wanted Josie to be comfortable for their first time together.

Hope began asking for entrance into Josie's mouth, when suddenly the kiss stopped with Josie feeling something vibrating in the back pocket of her jeans. The two girls just stared at each other trying to catch their breaths. Josie pulled her phone from her pocket to see who was disturbing her and her moment with Hope. It was Lizzie of course it was Lizzie, she's such a cockblocker.

Josie got up and answered her phone.

"Hey Lizzie what's up?"

"Jo your Uber is here. Where are you?"

"Wait what time is it?"

"It's almost 4:30pm Jo. Where are you?"

"Oh shit, I ummm got distracted at the Old Mill reading, I'm coming now."

"Have you seen Hope as well she's been MIA, it has Dad worried she's going to do something murderous."


"What it's dad not me, if it was me it would at least be funny."

"Lizzie I'm coming now, bye."

*Josie hangs up*

I looked down at a staring Hope, "So I guess this is goodbye huh?", Hope got up and I took a step back. "What are you worried I'm 'going to do something murderous' to you? Because you know I'll never hurt you Jo." I rolled my eyes at her comment, "Just because you're part vampire doesn't mean you need to listen in on my private phone calls with my sister Hope."

I began to walk back to the school, with Hope following closely behind. "What are you going to do to stop me? By the way how was reading at the Old Mill, get a lot of reading done?" Hope chucked, I smiled and turned around and stuck my tongue out at her.

Now facing Hope with the both us stopping our movements I said, "Hope, no more, we're not going to speak about this either-", Hope cut Josie off pissed about what she is trying to say. "Yes I know, not until you're ready to talk about it and what happened that night." I continued on, "Hope, please, no more please, it can't happen again, it won't, I'm leaving and you're staying here, never again and we're not talking about it, period!" Josie stormed off leaving Hope gobsmacked.

Josie returned back to the school, leaving Hope behind not wanting to go down that road with her and having an argument before she left. Once Josie returned back to the school she was welcomed by the whole school who all wanted to say Bon Voyage to the kind, selfless Josie they all know and love.

After saying her goodbyes, Josie and Lizzie walked out to her Uber, while MG and Alaric helped to carry Josie's luggages. After they had loaded them into the car everyone gave Josie a group hug. Some tears were shed, but Josie reassured everyone that she'll be okay and she'll call and send messages all the time. And that she'll of course come back, but they still didn't know when. Josie couldn't lie to them so she just didn't say.

MG had taken Lizzie inside to let Alaric say goodbye to his daughter alone. "Dad I'll see you soon and I'll call everyday, and send post cards and pictures and messages, don't worry you'll be sick of me." Josie chuckled.
"I'll never be sick of you Jo" Alaric said letting go of his daughter and opening the door to the car for her.

"Dad before I get in this car and go... promise me two things." Josie said hesitantly.
"Yes, anything Jo" Alaric agreed.
"Make sure use never stop looking for a way to stop the merge."
"I'll never stop looking for a way out for you and your sister. Always. And?" Alaric said asking his daughter to continue with her request.
"And... and look out for Hope for me please... I... I... I don't know what she's going to be like when I'm gone and how she's going to act, since I left things in a bad place with her I regret it but it had to be done, I can't have her always looking back for me, I can't, I just can't, she needs to live her life." Tears started to pour out of my eyes, I really am going to miss her but I can't have her being in a relationship with someone with an expiration date.
"I understand Josette." My dad gave me one last hug and said goodbye I got into the Uber and made my way to the airport. Finally leaving Mystic Falls.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now