Chapter Fourteen

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After Josie had explained the visions to Freya and how she tried to siphon them, Freya just thought that it was Josie's mind trying to tell her to be with her niece. Freya didn't want to tell the young siphoner that, not knowing the reaction she'd get from her about her theory.

Freya then suddenly waved her hand and Josie laid limp on the couch. Freya wanted to see these visions happening for herself, to see if they are indeed magical as Josie thinks. Until suddenly a dim light started to project of Josie's body. Josie was right this is a magical problem. But what is it? And why can't Josie siphon it?

Rebekah made her way over to the Old Mill, she saw Hope sitting on the steps waiting for her. "You took your time. What were you and Marcel talking about?" Rebekah began to sit next to her niece, "Hey I'm over a thousand years old Hope let me take my time, and none of your bees wax, he is my husband!" Hope chucked at her Aunt.

"So Auntie Bex as much as I appreciate the visit, why are you actually here? Do you need help with something?" Hope asked genuinely, "No Hope, I just wanted to check in on my one and only niece." "Hmmm" Hope hummed in disbelief, and rolled her eyes. "What? Why don't you believe me?" Rebekah snapped back not understanding why her niece wouldn't believe her, even though she's not telling the truth.

"Alaric called you didn't he? I'm fine Auntie Bex. Please don't worry about me." Hope reassured her aunt. Rebekah got up and stood in front of her niece, "You almost blew apart your bloody room Hope!" Hope stayed silent, she doesn't know if she should open up to her Aunt. "Hope please talk to me?" Rebekah begged. "It's... it's... it's just Josie I miss her that is all. I have these feelings for her. And their strong. My feelings are so strong they were never this strong with Landon. I think I love her, and she's not even mine. I just want to call her mine." Hope sobbed, her Aunt held her in her arms rubbing small circles on her back.

Josie woke up with Freya standing over her with a concerned look on her face, this worried Josie. "I guess you got me back from the time I wiped you out with that spell, to bring your memories of Hope back" Josie joked, "How bad is it?" Freya took a deep breath, "You're right it's definitely magical. I think someone has put a spell on you. I just don't know what kind of spell, because whatever spell it is it's strong enough for you not to be able to siphon from it. I'm going to need some of your blood and time to figure it out."

Josie hands Freya her hand to slice and draw blood from. Marcel walks in with a bandage for Josie's hand she thanks him. After a couple of hours of analysing and locating where the spell was coming from, Freya finally figured it out. "Josie dear do you mind checking on Nik please, upstairs last door on the right, thank you." Freya asked, more like demanded Josie. Josie left to go check on Hope's cousin.

"Why did you send her to check on Nik? Keelin is with him." Marcel asked. "Because I worked out where the spell is coming from, and I don't think she's going to be too happy when she finds out." Marcel takes a deep breath knowing exactly who it is, "It's Hope isn't it?" Freya answered, "Yes it is." Freya sighed but a smile appeared on her face, with the realisation of what her niece is up to, and how much love she has for the brunette girl. 'Why is Josie so blind?' she thought to herself. Freya then took this opportunity to play love maker.

After being held by her aunt and crying like a baby Hope got out from her aunts hold. "I think I need to wolf out" Hope told her Aunt. Rebekah gave Hope a look of pity feeling bad for the tribrid, she's lost so much and all she wants to do is love, why does this have to be so hard for her. About to reply back to her niece Rebekah's phone began to sing, letting her know someone is calling. It's her older sister. What does Freya want? Did something happen with Josie? Rebekah shot Hope a look then answered her sister.


"Hello dear sister any chance you're with our dear niece right now?"

"Yes she's right here. Do you want to talk to her?"

"Just put the phone on speaker please."
Rebekah puts the phone on speaker and Hope walks up next to her Aunt to talk to her other Aunt.

"Hey Aunt Freya!"

"Hi beautiful, so what kind of spells have you been doing lately?"

"Not many why? Need the all powerful Tribrid to do one for you?"

"Funny but no Hope. Any spells regarding a binding agent?"

"Ummm no, not that I know of, look Aunt Freya as much as I'd love to sit and chat about spells I really need to wolf out."

"No Hope. I want to hear what Freya is getting at."

"What are you getting at Aunt Freya?"

"I think you know Hope."

"Ummm not really."

"Really nothing to do with a certain brunette. Witch. Possible a siphoner?"


"Really that's surprising to hear as I just happen to have one here in New Orleans. That's been having these weird visions every time she sleeps, and my spell to figure it out led back to you."

"Josie's in New Orleans?"

"That's besides the point Hope. What have you done?"

"It is the point she's 835 miles away from
me rather than 100,000 miles."

"Hope what have you done?"

"Hey let's just say it worked, she might not have come back to Virginia but she still came back to the US."

"Hope you did all this for her to be closer to you?"

"Yes Auntie Bex I did. I'd rather do this then beg her to stay, or travel to another continent and be turned down by her."

"Oh my dearest Hope. You're head over heels for her aren't you."

"Well I have been obvious about it."

"Look I have to go. Josie doesn't know it's you, and that I figured out it's you. But keep that in mind, Josie doesn't know that you know that she's here in New Orleans, and you're the one that's been casting the spell. Use that to your advantage Hope. Come get the girl."

*Freya hangs up*

Hope looks at her Aunt Rebekah telling her exactly what she's thinking. "Pack a bag Hope we'll head to New Orleans as soon as possible", Hope hugged her aunt then vamped to her room to do as she was told. Hope was so unbelievably excited to see Josie. She just hopes Josie will be too.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now