Chapter Thirty Three

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Arriving back at the school Hope leaves me to tend to Lizzie, in which I makes my way through campus looking for her. When walking out near the dock I hear screaming and objects smashing, at the Old Mill. I run as fast as I can out there, seeing Freya standing outside. I scream out to her to get her attention, "Freya!" She hears me and turns around, "Josie?" Freya questions if she is seeing me correctly.

As I get closer to her and she is sure that it is me she sees, she starts walking towards me. "I thought you were on a date with Hope?" Freya asks surprised to see me back from my date I was supposed to be on. "You and me both. Look Hope needs your help, you need to head back to the school. I'll deal with this", I say looking at the Old Mill hearing everything that is going on inside. Freya nods her head and heads back to the school to help her Hope. I head to the Old Mill to calm Lizzie down.

We arrived back at the school I sent Jo to go to Lizzie. I open the school doors seeing all three factions angry and trying to leave, to what I would imagine be to kill Alaric. Cleo is doing a spell to keep everyone in the school, but is struggling to keep it up with the other witches fighting back. Kaleb is trying to calm down the vampires, and Jed the same with the wolves. My Aunt Rebekah is trying her very best to get everyones attention, but she has no such luck.

My eyes flash yellow as I let out a big bark. Everyone goes quite, thank god I miss the sound of nothing. I put up a containment spell around the whole school so no one can get in or out. Cleo falls the floor exhausted, I order Kaleb to take her to her room to rest. My Aunt Rebekah comes up to me giving me a big hug, "Thank the lords you're back. And congratulations, now where is my niece-to-be?" I giggle at that thought. "Don't worry Aunty Bex you'll speak with her she's gone to deal with her sister. Now can you do something for me while I deal with the school?"

I walk up to the Old Mill seeing Lizzie screaming, and throwing whatever she could find at the walls using her magic. MG is standing next to her trying to reason with her to go back to the school. "Lizzie... MG", I say getting their attention. MG sees me and physically relaxes at the sound of my voice. While Lizzie runs to me with tears streaming down her face, I catch her in a tight embrace.

"Hey Jo", MG says walking up to Lizzie and I. "Hey MG, I'll stay with Lizzie do you want to go to the school and see if Hope needs anymore help", I say. "What!" Lizzie and MG say in illusion, not knowing what has been happening while they've been away from the school themselves. "Ohhh you don't know... some vamp over heard MG tell you what happened... the whole school knows. They want to kill da- Alaric. They want to kill Alaric", I inform them.

Lizzie gives MG a look which sent him vamping towards the school. "I'm sorry Jo. I'm sorry about what he said to you and about Hope and everything. I'm sorry about Finch I know she's your ex, and you're with Hope now- sorry 'not officially' with Hope yet, but still", Lizzie says using her fingers as air quotation marks. A smile creeps onto my face and Lizzie notices this, "No she didn't. Miss Shorty Pants finally asked you to be her girlfriend? When?" Lizzie shrieks.

"Tonight on our date. Well after our date, she took me to the beach and had a whole set up asking me to be her girlfriend. It was a beautiful and perfect surprise. Especially considering I've never had someone do anything like that for me before", I said with a huge smile on my face.

Lizzie linked her arm with mine walking me back to the school, "I'm so happy for you Jo, I really am. I'm sorry something so shitty with dad happened when you're finally having a good run in life. I'm also sorry for not believing that dad could of actually done something to Finch. I was being stubborn. But now onto a more important subject, I guess I'll have to give the dwarf the shovel talk. I'm thinking of scaring the day out of her, you think it'll work?" I laugh, "Probably not, but you can try. Wait before we go back to the school we need to talk", I say stopping our movements.

"Hope? What's going on? Why are you and Josie back from your date so soon?" I hear my Aunt Freya say from behind me. "Hey Aunt Freya, Aunty Bex will explain everything to you she's in the office calling Caroline for me. I'm just gonna deal with the school then I'll met you in there", she gives me a kiss on my forehead then walks off to the office.

"Look I know use are all mad at Professor Saltzman right now, and use have every right to be. He killed a student. He killed one of us. But if you heard what happened then you know what he said about me, and what he thinks about me", I say to the crowed of students, they all nod their head knowing what was said. "So you know how angry I am at him. Because I'm more angry than any of use will ever be-", I was cut of from hearing my name being called from behind me.

"Hope... Josie said you might need help... what's going on here?" MG asks concern clear on his face. I walk up to him and whisper, "I'm just trying to calm down the school from wanting to kill Alaric, do you mind going to Cleo's room and checking on her and Kaleb?" He nods then vamps away.

"Now back to what I was saying... use will NOT kill or inflict any pain towards Alaric Saltzman... because I will", my eyes flash yellow from my built up anger, the crowd of students cheer from my speech. I send the students back to their rooms, after informing them that Caroline will be coming back to take care of the school. They were pleased with that. I take the containment spell down, not worried that anyone will try anything on Alaric now. And make my way to my room to pack, then Josie's to grab her unpacked luggage.

"Wow Jo, so you're leaving again. And with Hope as well", Lizzie says somewhat surprised. "Yeah, I mean if you want you can join us, or leave too. Just because mom and Alaric opened the school for us that doesn't mean we have to be stuck here our whole lives", I said knowing I was speaking facts. "You're right. But I think I want to stay now that mom's going to be in charge. Plus mom has always been better at helping me when it comes to my mental health rather than dad."

"Yeah he was absent for a lot", I breathed out. "That he was. But I'm truly happy for you. As long as we can astral project and have twin cuddles then I'm fine. But I do have one question?" I hummed at Lizzie to continue, while I started walking towards the school with Lizzie following closely.

"The merge? If mom's coming back to the school, who's going to do research?" Lizzie asked. "I thought about that too. I don't want Hope to be an option. It's not her responsibility. I think... I think I might just turn. You know avoid the inevitable and all", I said sounding unsure which Lizzie of course picked up on. "Here we go again Josie being the martyr as always. Have you told Hope about your big plans?" I rolled my eyes, "We're not getting into this argument again. No, it's not something I think I need to talk to her about. It's my body, my life!" I know Lizzie is right, I should probably tell Hope my plans about becoming a Heretic.

"Well dear sister, don't worry about becoming a heretic. Because in a few months I will take the big leap of faith for the both of us." My eyes widened in shock, "What?! Who's the martyr now?" We both giggled, "You know how competitive I am. I've decided in the next few months if everything pans out with MG I want to live forever with him. I guess you could understand," I nodded in response.

Almost at the school Lizzie and I heard... cheering? What is going on? We both looked at each other confused, than ran to see what was happening.

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