Chapter Thirty Four

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Arriving back at the school Lizzie and Josie were confused to see no students in the halls, or main school areas. They looked at each other confused, until they saw MG vamp up to them. "We need to talk now!" MG said worry and concern taking over his face and voice, this worried both girls. "What happened babe?" Lizzie asked putting her hand on MG's shoulder to calm him down.

"It's Hope, she sent me to check on Cleo and Kaleb, who are both fine by the way. But I overheard her talking to the school, she told them not to kill or inflict pain on Professor Saltzman-." Lizzie cuts in, "So what's so bad about that?" Josie raises her eyebrows at MG, waiting on him to hurry up and continue so she can go see her girlfriend.

"It's because she wants too, she wants to kill your dad guys, or inflict pain on him", MG says clearly stressed by the situation. "First of all not my dad, I don't have one anymore. I don't know about you Lizzie, but this is me personally. Second of all if you're so worried about Hope killing Alaric I'll talk to her. How does that sound?" Lizzie just rolled her eyes at her sisters stubbornness, "It's okay MG, Josie will talk to her little pet."

Josie left MG and Lizzie to each other, while she walked to the office knowing that's where Hope's aunts will be. She opened the office doors being pulled into a tight group hug from both of Hope's aunts. "Congratulations love, welcome to the family. Ohhh Freya our niece has a girlfriend", Rebekah said excitedly. "Well soon I'm not. Use are going to hug her to death", Hope interrupted walking into the office, carrying both her and Josie's luggages.

The two women let go of Josie, leaving her to catch her breath from all the air that she missed. "Sorry", both blonde women said to Josie in illusion. Hope giggled, which brought Josie's attention to her. "You packed?" Josie said acknowledging the luggages next to Hope. "Yes, as I said to you once your mom arrives we'll leave", Josie walked up to Hope hugging her then kissing her lips briefly, remembering Hope's aunts are in the room, hearing them awe at the sight of their niece and her girlfriend.

"My mom...", Josie gasped breaking away from Hope's lips, "...I have to call her still." Rebekah jumped in, "It's all been taken care of darling. Hope had me call her and explain what has been going on. She's on her way over to take over the school." Josie turned to face Hope looking at her lovingly, "Of course you've already taken care of it", she says then kisses Hope's cheek, in which Hope kisses her cheek back.

After hours of waiting around for Caroline to arrive, Freya and Rebekah made their way back to New Orleans meeting Hope and Josie there later on. The twins were excited to see their mother, but Hope on the other hand was nervous now. She was going to see Caroline for the first time as Josie's offical girlfriend. Josie had talked to Hope and reassured the older girl that she'll be fine. But Hope was still very nervous.

Finally arriving at the school's campus Josie and Lizzie ran out to the front of the school, hugging their mother as soon as she existed the car. "Ohhh my girls, how I've missed use both." Looking up from her daughters Caroline saw Hope leaning on the door frame, "Hello to you too Hope", Caroline greeted Hope. Hope simply smiled and waved back to the blonde woman.

Josie removed herself from the hug walking up to Hope, hugging her from her side and giving her a peck on the cheek, dragging her over to her mom. "Mom, this is Hope, my girlfriend. Hope, this is my mom, Caroline", Josie giggled at her antics. Hope put her hand out for Caroline to shake, but instead Caroline pulled her into a hug. "No need to go along with Josie's foolishness Hope. I've know you since you were a child you can hug me", Caroline laughs which Hope does too, leaving Josie to roll her eyes at her mom and girlfriend.

"Oh that reminds me, come here shorty pie", Lizzie says dragging Hope from her shirt sleeve, back inside the school. Caroline looks at Josie with a confused look, Josie giggles "She's giving Hope the shovel talk." Caroline giggles at her other daughter. "Come on help your poor old mom with her bags", Caroline says to Josie, before the two flow into conversation.

"Okay I'm gonna make this short and sweet just like you, minus the sweet part. You hurt my sister ever, and I mean ever in a million years... make that a billion years. No eternity. If you ever hurt Josie in a whole eternity, I'll be there to not only annoy you the whole time, because I know you hate that, but to remind you every second of everyday of how you hurt my sister. And that's only if you hurt her slightly. You ever hurt my sister so bad that you're responsible for breaking her heart, I'll find red oak or magically make some if I have to and kill you myself. Capeesh?" Lizzie said trying her best to use a scary voice to scare the life out of Hope.

"Capeesh", Hope giggled back to the blonde. "Do you think I'm joking Mikaelson. Because I'm not", Lizzie said now getting frustrated at the tribrid for not taking her seriously. "I know you're not joking Lizzie. Plus I would never hurt Jo. Not in a whole eternity, you and I both know that, and I hope Josie does too", Hope said the truth only seeping from her mouth.

Lizzie knows this is true, Hope would never intentionally hurt her sister. Lizzie puts her hand out for Hope to shake, Hope raises her eyebrows at Lizzie, and Lizzie just waves her hand around until Hope grabs it, shaking it. "I guess you have yourself a deal short Mikaelson, you can indeed date my sister", Lizzie says loudly so that everyone can hear. While Hope just stands there shaking her head at the whole situation.

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