Chapter Twelve

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I've been tossing and turning in my hotel bed for hours, it's now 3:00am. My mind keeps thinking about a certain auburnette. Maybe I should message her and see how she is.
'Hey Hope' Josie writes to the older girl.

Hope hears her phone buzz while laying on her side away from her bedside table. She wasn't going to answer it, but her gut told her to look to see who it is at least. Hope picked up her phone to see that Josie had messaged her, her face instantly lit up and a huge goofy smile made its way onto her face. She felt like a child being given one of those huge rainbow lollipops. Hope immediately opened the message and replied back to Josie 'Hey Jo'. Hope hopped out of her bed and started pacing around her room waiting for a response.

A smiled appeared onto Josie's face when she saw that Hope had messaged back. 'Why does Hope have this effect on me?' Josie thought.

J: 'I wasn't sure you'd answer me'
H: 'Why wouldn't I answer you?'
J: 'Because of the way I left things with you'
'I'm sorry'
'I didn't mean to walk away like that '
H: 'It's okay Jo'
'You told me not to bring it up and I did. It's my fault not yours'

Josie felt terrible to hear Hope blame herself, for something she had said to her.

Knowing Josie all too well Hope knew that the younger girl would be beating herself up about Hope putting the fault on herself. So she sat on her bed getting comfortable and decided to call Josie. Wanting to reassure her everything is okay. And maybe to hear Josie's voice as well.

Josie started to feel her phone vibrating in her hands. She saw Hope calling, she debated answering but decided what the heck, why not. But she just wanted to hear Hope's voice. She won't admit that to herself, not right now at least.

Josie answers Hope's phone call.

"Hey Jo" Hope said, sounding desperate wanting a reply from Josie almost immediately.

"Hey Hopey" Josie facepalmed herself, she didn't mean to call Hope that, she was just so excited to hear Hope's voice and be able to talk to her.

"Hopey... haven't heard you call me that in a while" Hope chuckled.

"I... I... how have you been Hope?" Josie said changing the topic.

"Honestly I'm way better now."


"What I'm just being honest that's all I'll ever been with you... honest."

"So did something happen? My dad called me a few hours ago."

"Ha, of course he did. Everything is fine, especially right now in this moment. Anyway on to much more important topics, how's Japan? India next right?"

"How did you know I thought I clo- OH MY GOD HOPE have you been the one stealing my post cards?"

"Maybe. So tell me Miss Saltzman how have your travels been? Tell me everything. We can talk about you clocking yourself from me later."

"They have been amazing Hope. This world that we live in is so beautiful, it's unbelievable, and I've only been to a few countries so far. But I'm just so excited to keep doing this hoping country to country. Experiencing and learning new cultures, meeting new people. Ohh I'm rambling aren't I. Sorry!"

"No don't be sorry. I love hearing about you. Everything. But I don't think the world is as beautiful as you think."

"What do you mean Hope?"

"You're way more beautiful."

Josie felt her cheeks heat up red. She felt like a child, being all shy and smiley. "It's almost four in the morning here, I better start getting ready to go to the airport. I got a flight to catch in a few hours."

"Oh okay Jo. Wait one more thing."

"Yes Hope."

"It's not your fault... I pushed. As much as I want to talk about it, I need to respect the fact that you don't. Please don't blame yourself Josie."

"I won't Hope. I really gotta go, bye."

"Bye Jo."

*Josie hangs up*

Hope fell asleep with the biggest smile on her face, Josie just had this effect on her where she made her feel like the luckiest and happiest woman in the world.

Josie began to get ready for her flight to New Orleans. Trying to keep herself busy and not think about Hope. But she knew once she got into that plane and fell asleep she'd be happy, happily dreaming about the girl she loves... or has feelings for... Josie doesn't know. She won't admit anything to herself.

Authors note: Next chapter is a Mikaelson family reunion. I'm so excited for use to read it 😁

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now