Chapter Thirty One 🔞🥵

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Smut warning

Still laying in Hope's arms Josie begin reaching for another beignet. "Don't eat too many you'll get a stomach ache", Hope scolded the younger girl giggling at her girlfriend. Josie rolled her eyes at the older girl. "We should really get back to the school soon. Lizzie needs our help. And there's everything with my dad now", Josie said sounding worried. Hope poured herself and Josie some champagne, passing Josie a glass then speaking. "Jo everything has been taken care of. Don't worry I planned this date perfectly. We don't need to be back at the school for a while. We have time." Josie looked up at Hope and smiled.

The two clinked their glasses Hope was about to make a toast until Josie begin speaking, "Remember when I told you I was leaving. And how I said I was doing it for me?" The older girl chuckled at the thought of it, "Yes it followed with many 'I am's'. But look how well it turned out for the both of us. You're here in my arms now."

Josie smiled at that realisation about not travelling anymore and being with Hope, "No other place I'd rather be. But I want to say here's to us. I am here with you. I am here because I want to be. Because you Hope Mikaelson truly make me the happiest girl ever."

Instead of Hope responding verbally she kissed Josie passionately, deepening the kiss more and more each second. Hope began moving her hands all around Josie's body getting to know every inch, this got little whimpers out of the younger girl. Josie just sat there in between Hope's legs taking it all in.

Hope pulled away only to put her lips back onto Josie's neck, sucking and nibbling on the skin there. "H.. Hope...", Josie whimpered. Hope broke away humming 'yes' to the brunette, Josie pulled Hope close to her so she could whisper in her ear. "I've never done it on the beach before", Josie whispered into Hope's ear, this sent a pull of wetness to Hope's area.

Hope grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry taking a bite then kissing Josie, letting her try some of the strawberry as well. Hope laid Josie down on the blankets and pillows, the auburnette asked Josie if she was okay if she continued in which Josie gave her a worded response too, Hope was pleased that Josie knew to give her a worded reply.

Hope continued but it wasn't like the first time when they were in Hope's room. Hope was still gentle, slow, and soft but just that extra bit rougher than she was before. Josie was enjoying this very much, she liked Hope being rough. After Hope thought Josie was ready she struck a finger into the brunette, making her instantly arch her back. Josie started letting out little moans from the older girls movements in her.

Feeling Josie start to clench around her finger, Hope put another in Josie. This made louder moans leave the younger girls mouth. Hope put her hand over Josie's mouth lightly, "Shhh Jo. Someone could hear us." Josie moved Hope's hand to say, "Let them. I want everyone to know that I'm yours." This sent Hope's wolf into a panic. If Hope's wolf could have her way with Josie, the whole world would be able to hear the younger girl.

Hope's wolf tried desperately to peak through to have her way with Josie but Hope wouldn't budge. She needed to have that conversation with Josie first, to make sure she would be ready.

With a flash of yellow back to blue eyes, Hope stuck another finger into Josie and fastened her movements, and Josie knew what to do. Josie knew not to close her eyes, but to keep them open looking at Hope. And Hope most definitely enjoyed the fact that Josie knew what to do, even though she would love Josie to test her for dominance. Hope knows she'll punish her well. "Good girl Josette", Hope said feeling the other girl about to cum.

Josie came screaming Hope's name louder than ever. Her body shuddering, coming down from its high. Josie was filled with so much arousal, that she could sense Hope was too.

"Hope you want to know something?" Josie spoke out of breath, still coming down from her high. "Yes love?" Hope answered. "I've never actually made you cum... or scream my name", the brunette said seductively. Hope didn't know what to say or do, she wanted to continue pleasuring Josie, but the mere thought of Josie pleasuring her sounded tempting. She was so wet from the brunette already.

Josie could see that Hope was deep in thought about her offer, so she grabbed Hope's face cupping it and pulling her into a deep kiss, taking matters into her own hands. Josie sat on Hope with both her knees placed on each side of Hope's waist. Pushing Hope down further with each kiss, until Hope was laying down. Josie was hovering over Hope with her ass in the air, until Hope grabbed and smacked it after coming to realisation from what Josie is about to do to her.

Josie broke away with a whimper leaving her mouth, she looked at Hope and started navigating her body with her hands. Josie started sucking on the tribrids skin, but noticed she was healing really quick from the siphoners love bites. While getting little whimpers out of Hope Josie siphoned some magic from Hope, and said an enchantment that allowed Hope's skin not to heal from her marks. Josie wanted everyone to know Hope is hers, like she is Hope's. She also knew that Hope might give her a mouthful about this later on.

Continuing her work Josie began sucking, kissing, and nibbling on the older girls soft skin. Making more and more whimpers leave Hope's mouth. Josie broke away and looked up at Hope asking her, "Are you okay if I start touching you?" Hope replied with a smile, "Yes Jo". This pleased Josie, this was all she wanted. She really wanted to take care of Hope.

Still working on Hope's neck Josie hands unbuttoned the tribrid's jeans, and pulled them down just enough for her to work on the auburnette. Breaking apart from Hope's neck Josie worked her way down to Hope's area, going slowly but not too slow knowing how impatient Hope and Hope's wolf can be.

Once Josie had reached Hope's area a huge smirk appeared on the brunettes face. Josie could clearly see how wet Hope was without even touching her. Josie decided she wanted a taste, "I haven't even touched you yet and you're already so wet. I need to have a taste." Hope's face reddened from embarrassment, but Josie couldn't see she was too busy putting her face in between Hope's thighs.

With Hope's legs hanging over Josie's shoulders, Josie slowly started licking Hope's wet folds with her tongue, slowly circling around the tribrid's clit. This made Hope tighten her legs around Josie pushing her down more into her. Josie didn't mind she just continued her work, she began sucking on the nerve and Hope's wetness, she enjoyed Hope's taste very much.

Breaking away from Hope's area Josie moved her face to Hope's, going in for a kiss, "You should taste yourself. Because you are absolutely delicious."

With the girls kissing Josie decided to put a finger inside of Hope, when she did Hope moaned into her mouth.

Josie moved her finger inside of Hope rhythmically, getting moans from the older girl. Josie then placed another finger inside of Hope, stopping the two from kissing as Hope was so flustered, moaning mess.

Josie could feel that Hope was close to coming, so she slipped another finger inside of Hope. This made a sweet moan leave the auburnettes mouth, and made her arch her back. Hope started moaning out Josie's name letting the younger girl know that she is about to cum.

Josie moved her head back down to Hope's area sucking on the small nerve again, with her three fingers curled inside of Hope. Josie was honestly amazed by Hope taking all of this.

Feeling Hope about to release Josie sped up her movements until she felt wetness squirting at her face. Hope moaned and arched her body, as Josie slowed down her movements as Hope was coming down from her climax.

Hope looked down at Josie who was sitting in between her legs with an astonished look on her face, that was dripping in Hope's liquids. Hope spoke first "Did I do that?" she asked pointing out the wetness on Josie's face. Josie nodded her head 'yes', "h... have you do that before?" the brunette asked. "No. I don't exactly know what I just did. Is it bad? Are you okay?" The tribrid asked innocently. "Oh my god Hope, my innocent baby. No it's not bad, I'm more than okay my love. You squirted. Do you not know what that is?" Josie said purely to Hope .

"I've heard of it before, but I hadn't realised that was what I did. It's never happened before. How do you feel about it?" Hope confessed to Josie. "This is how I feel about it. Taste yourself, because you are mouth watering Hope", Josie said climbing up Hope's sweaty body pulling her into a heated passionate kiss.

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