Chapter Thirteen

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Sixteen hours later and Josie finally made it to New Orleans, and it's just how she remembers it. New Orleans is so full of life, culture, music, color, amazing architecture, and so much more. It always surprises Josie when she remembers this is where Hope grew up.

Back in Mystic Falls Lizzie is pestering Hope, about why the girl is in such a good mood after being down for the past month. But Lizzie is on Hope's last nerve with all these questions, she wants to kill her but knows it would be considered unforgivable by Josie.

Making her way through the French Quarter Josie is looking for Rousseau's, where she is hoping to find Freya Mikaelson that is until someone taps the girl on the shoulder, which startles the brunette. Josie turns around to see a familiar face, they've never meet before but Josie recognises him from pictures in Hope's room back at the Salvatore school. "You startled me... Marcel right?" Josie said questioning. "Yes, you must be Josette Saltzman. Shouldn't you be travelling the world or something?" Josie looks at Marcel confused as to how he knows so much about Josie, Marcel sees this.

"Hope told me, we're very close, you leaving did make her quite upset", I looked down feeling bad for making Hope upset by my leaving. "Hey it's okay, I see you are too. So what brings you to New Orleans?" Josie looked up at Marcel who had a big smile on his face, this made Josie feel welcomed and comfortable to be around him. "I'm looking for Freya Mikaelson I need some help, witch business and all." "Ahhh I see I'll take you to her, she's over at the Compound."

As Hope finally made her escape from Lizzie she was called into Professor Saltzman's office over the loud speaker. She walked over slowly, annoyed that he most likely was going to annoy her now rather than Lizzie. Hope knocked, then was told to enter Professor Saltzman's office. When she did she couldn't believe who she saw it was her Auntie Bex, she ran up and gave her a big hug.

"Hello little one, it's been too long, I missed you" said Rebekah with her perfect English accent. "I missed you too Auntie Bex. What brings you to Mystic Falls?" Hope asked. They began to separate from the hug, "You Hope, my darling niece. Maybe we could have a little chat." She turns her head over to Alaric, "Alone." Alaric gets the message and exists out of his office closing the door behind him. "Well that was subtle", Hope chuckled. Rebekah and Hope each sat down in a chair opposite each other, and caught up with one another.

Josie and Marcel made their way into the Compound, Josie was in awe at how big the Compound is and the beautiful architecture as well. But her mind kept going to Hope, this is Hope's childhood home. Marcel called out to Freya in which she came running from upstairs telling him to shush. "Shhh I just got Nik down for a nap... Josie?" Freya questioned. "Hey Freya", I walked up to her and held my hand out for her to shake, but instead she pulled me into a hug, it took me by surprise but I of course hugged back.

Pulling out of the hug Freya began "What brings you to New Orleans, I thought you were travelling the world?" I shot her and Marcel a look, thinking did Hope really tell her whole family. Marcel noticed and laughed "Hope didn't tell her I told Rebekah, and Bex just has a big mouth and can't keep a secret for her life, but I love her very much, so I guess it's okay", Freya and I chuckled. "Anyway Josie here needs to see you regarding some witch business Freya, so please help her out, and Josie make yourself at home." I thanked Marcel as he left the Compound getting an incoming call. Freya and I walked up into the library that's where she practices most of her magic.

"Marcel told you what Auntie Bex, I know he is your husband but I told him as a trusted brother uncle figure" Hope said sounding frustrated, she thought she could trust him when it came to her asking for advice about Josie. "I'm sorry Hope, but you have to take it up with him", Rebekah chuckled. "Don't worry Auntie Bex, I will", I grabbed my phone out of back pocket and started calling Marcel, it took him a minute to pick up which I thought was odd, he always answers my calls straight away. I gave my Aunt a look telling her what I was thinking in which she said, "Hope maybe his just busy, keeping order in New Orleans and all". After my Aunt said that he answered.

"Marcel what took you so long to answer?" Hope scolded the man.

"Hello to you too Hope, I'm good thanks for asking!"


"I was just dealing with some witch business."

"Hmmm okay."

"Witch business? What kind of witch business Marcel?" Rebekah jumped in.

"Nothing to worry about love. So what's with the call Hope?"

"Why did you tell Auntie Bex about Josie? It was supposed to stay between you and me."

"I'm sorry she's my wife I tell her everything. Maybe one day you'll understand that Hope."

"That's fair."

"Indeed it is. Hope do you mind passing the phone over to your Aunt I just have to ask her something?"

"Sure thing. Bye."

"Bye Hope."

Hope passes the phone off to her Aunt, and her Aunt signals her to leave the office. So Hope does so, she walks outside over to the Old Mill where her Aunt will meet up with her later on.

"Yes Marcel?"

"Is Hope gone?"

"She is, I can hear her walking outside as we speak. What's going on?"

"The witch business, it's Josie she's here in New Orleans."

"Josie's what!"

"She's with Freya she needed help with something. Does Hope know she's here? Did she say anything to you?"

"No she doesn't, Hope told me before when we were chatting that Josie is off to India."

"She must not know. Don't tell her."

"I won't. Unless I think she might actually turn her humanity off. Josie is our backup plan if anything happens. I think she's the key to Hope's humanity as it is."

"Okay I'll keep an eye on Josie and make sure she stays safe."

"Please do."

"You know I will. Is it true then what Alaric said? Is Hope really going to turn her humanity off?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. I just think she really wants to be with Josie. Her love for her is consuming her. I'm sure Hope just doesn't know how to control these strong emotions she has for this girl."

"I guess we know a thing or two about that huh."

"I guess we do. I should get back to Hope. I'll see you soon Marcel. I love you."

"Okay I love you too. Bye."

"Bye love."

*Rebekah hangs up*

Rebekah then makes her way outside to her niece.

My Expiration Date Is Why I Can't Let You Love Me - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now