Chapter Twenty Five 🔞🥵

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Smut warning

"What are you going to do about it Josette?", Hope whispered back into Josie's lips, purposely trying to set Josie off the edge.

Josie then went down onto her knees, with Hope staring down at her with a smirk on her face. Josie grabbed the loops in Hope's jeans bringing her a little closer to her. Starting to unbutton Hope's jeans Josie replied back to Hope, "I guess I'm just going to have to show you. Aren't I?"

Starting to pull down Hope's jeans Josie was met with Hope's panties that matched her bra. Josie looked back up at Hope, "Are you okay if I...?" Josie trailed off, distracted by what was in front of her. "Yeah... go for it Jo", Hope said feeling a bit out of breath she had been waiting for this moment for such a long time. After completely taking off Hope's jeans, Josie then slowly started removing Hope's red lace panties.

Met with Hope's area Josie started kissing Hope's thighs and inner thighs, slowly moving up going around Hope's vagina. This teasing frustrated Hope and her wolf, so she took matters into her own hands. Her eyes glowed yellow as she picked Josie up and threw her back onto the bed and started pulling down the brunettes skirt and throwing it on the floor. Josie was giggling at this, but astonished by the power she had over Hope's wolf. "Jo you should know this by now I am not a patient person, and neither is my wolf!" Hope said strictly with her eyes going back to blue, this sent shivers up Josie's spine, she was loving this dominate side of Hope.

Hope suppressed her wolf, knowing she didn't want her first time with Josie to be something she possibly wouldn't be ready for... yet.

Hope raised her eyebrows at Josie waiting for a response but Josie didn't know what to say. "Hurry up then. You're just standing there staring at me. Get to work if you're so impatient. Take my panties off!", Josie said seductively. Hope did as she was told and slowly started taking Josie's panties off. Josie had a smug look on her face and Hope noticed. She was about to wipe that look off of the brunettes face.

Hope dove into Josie's lips kissing them. While she slowly stroked Josie's thighs with her hands, moving them closer and closer to Josie's area. Hope suddenly put a finger in between Josie's wet folds, stroking around her clit. Josie broke away from the kiss with heavy breaths, "You're so wet for me Jo", Hope stated.

When she saw that Josie was ready Hope started gently rubbing the siphoners clit in circular motions. This caused Josie to let out little moans, Hope had never heard Josie moan, but she could listen to her moan all day long if she got the chance too. And she plans to get the chance whenever she can have Josie.

Josie started to arch her back and close her eyes feeling an orgasm coming on, just from the simple movements of Hope's fingers on her clit. Hope saw this and said, "Josie look at me. Look at me when you cum." Josie opened her eyes and looked at Hope with her mouth opened and her sweet moans flowing out. Soon enough Josie's orgasm hit her and her back arched more and she moaned out Hope's name. Hope was really enjoying this.

Once Hope had seen that Josie's climax was over she started kissing Josie's inner thigh, getting closer and closer to her vagina. Once Hope had gotten to Josie's area she put her lips to Josie's clit and started sucking on the small nerve. This made Josie immediately arch her back, and moan ever so sweetly.

Looking up every now and then to have a look at the moaning mess Josie was, Hope decided to place a finger into Josie's vagina, moving it in slowly. This immediately made Josie moan out Hope's name. Hope's eyes flashed yellow for a moment after hearing the brunette moan her name this drove her wolf insane. Her wolf wanted her way with Josie, but Hope wouldn't let that happen, not right now at least.

Hope moved up to Josie's face with her finger still inside the younger girl, increasing her speed. Hope began kissing Josie's lips, until she placed a second finger into the brunette. This caused Josie to break away moaning into Hope's mouth, arching her back some more. "That's a good girl" Hope said, she felt Josie clench around her fingers, then she realised Josie had a kink.

Testing out this kink to the best of her abilities Hope asked, "Are you going to be a good girl and come for me?" Josie clenched some more around Hope's fingers, Josie closed her eyes feeling another orgasm coming, until Hope grabbed Josie's face with her other hand making Josie open her eyes and look at her. "Be a good girl and keep your eyes open. I want to see those pretty brown eyes, when you cum again princess." Josie obeyed Hope, feeling her orgasm pulse through her body.

Speeding up her movements Hope worked her way down to Josie's area once again putting her mouth onto Josie's clit licking it in circular movements. Josie grabbed Hope by her hair pushing her into her area, feeling like she is about to explode from another orgasm. Josie screamed out with heavy breaths, "H... Ho... Hope... I... I'm... about... to... cum... HOPEEE", Josie moaned out. She came again just like that.

Josie reached her high letting out little moans and her body shuddering, Hope had a huge smirk on her face happy with what she had accomplished tonight. Hope sucked her fingers clean, loving the taste of Josie. Thinking back to what Lizzie said, Josie really is her favourite flavour.

Laying down next to Josie, brushing the hair out of the brunettes face, "That's a good girl" the auburnette said. Josie turned to face Hope and kissed her passionately, she then snuggled into her. Exhausted from their activities, both girls eventually fell asleep holding onto each other, never wanting to let go.

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