Chapter Ten

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Back at the Salvatore school...

It's been a month and I haven't seen Josie, which is obvious since she left the school. She's in Japan right now, I just know she's fitting in perfectly, she just has that effect everywhere she goes.

Josie has clocked herself from me I found this out when I realised I hadn't asked her where she was going first. I did a locator spell out of curiosity. And that's when I found out, she clocked herself, from me, and only me.

I over heard Josie tell Professor Saltzman that she would be sending post cards. So I took it upon myself to collect them. So far Josie has travelled to Asia, she has been to Indonesia, Thailand, China, and now Japan. Next she's going to India I read it in her last post card.

You might think 'Wow Hope you're crazy taking someone's mail, trying everything you can do to find one girl'. But Josette Saltzman isn't just one girl... she's the girl... the girl above all... she's the one for me. I want her to be mine. But I can't she won't have me, and I don't know why, maybe it's because of what happened.

Anyway apart from that crazy doesn't cut it for me. After I saved Josie those couple months ago, she gave me back the talisman I had gifted her on her sixteenth birthday. I've been using it as a binding agent in a spell, since she's clocked.

I've been putting these visions in her head of me... of me and her, from that day on the dock before she left and memories of us from before that. This is my plan she will come back to me, she has to, I need her too.

Busy in thought about Josie like I always am, there was a knock at my bedroom door, that pulled me out. "Come in" I said, not bothered getting up from my bed to open my door. Professor Saltzman opened the door "Hey Hope! Do you mind if we have a chat?", he said closing the door behind him making his way to the empty chair in the corner of my room. "Well you're making yourself at home, so I guess so", Alaric chuckled at Hope's comment.

"Hope please let me look out for you, you've basically been hibernating in you're room only coming out to eat and wolf out", Alaric pleaded with Hope. "What do you want me to do? Go on a murder spree so you have something to do? I know now that Malivore is gone you're bored", Hope almost yelled back trying hard to not say what she actually wants to say.

"Hope I don't know what happened between you and Josie bu-", Hope cuts Alaric off. "No Ric, you don't get to come into my room and try to talk about Josie to me" Hope yelled tears starting to come out of her eyes. "I know Josie told you to look out for me, because she doesn't know how I'm going to act when she's gone, but that was her decision to leave things the way they are. If she wants someone to look out for me she can do it herself" Hope was now sobbing into her hands.

"Hope I'm... I'm-", Alaric said feeling so bad for Hope, realising how much the older girl loves his brunette daughter. "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW! GET OUT BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Hope screamed, making wind start blowing throughout her whole room and things starting to fall and smash onto the floor. Alaric left quickly, leaving a crying Hope alone in her room.

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