Chapter Sixteen

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Six months later...

For the first few months Lizzie, Alaric, and MG kept calling Josie constantly, but Josie never picked up. Once they got the message that Josie wasn't going to answer they started limiting their calls to her, hoping desperately for an answer just to know if she is okay and safe.

Josie also stopped having the visions. Hope must have taken down the spell, after Josie had left.

It's been six months and I've finished my travels all over Asia and have since been to Australia and New Zealand. Next Africa. I leave in a week.

Lizzie has all of a sudden been calling and messaging me constantly, probably wanting to tell me some juicy Lizzie gossip. I kept ignoring her calls and messages until I had realised how many times she has called me. 98 missed calls, within twenty four hours. It must be important for her to call so many times. My heart started racing worrying for the worse.

I called Lizzie back just waiting for an answer.


"Hey Lizzie."

"Ha 'Hey Lizzie' is that all you have to say to me? It's been six months Josie."

"I'm sorry some things happened, and I just needed to isolate myself from everyone. Travel and live my life."

"What happened? It has to do with Hope doesn't it?"

"I... I... What did she tell you?"

"So it does have to do with little miss shorty pants. I knew something happened between you two."

"Lizzie nothing happened. Just some drama. Did she really not tell use anything?"

"No. She just came back to the school a couple of months ago, from New Orleans. She didn't tell us anything. But I did over hear Rebekah Mikaelson telling Dad that you were in New Orleans, and not some place half way across the world. What were you doing Jo?"

"Nothing. I prefer to tell you another time. How is... How is everything one Liz?"

"I mean... that's why I'm calling something has happened Jo. We need you to come home immediately!"

"What happened Lizzie?"

"I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you over the phone. He said not too."

"He? He who? Dad?"

"Well obviously Dad."

"Lizzie when has that ever stopped you before?"

"True... Okay, but you have to pretend that you don't know, and that I didn't tell you?"

"I will, just tell me Elizabeth."

"So... ummm I don't know."


"Okay but you have to come back. I need you too. I need your help."

"Just tell me first."

"So you know Finch?"

"Yes Lizzie. She's my ex you know this."

"Well it has been six months, I don't know who you've forgotten and remembered."

"Get to the point Lizzie."

"So she's dead. And Dad's in the hospital."

"WHAT! How did she die? Why is Dad in the hospital?"

"Dad refuses to take vampire blood. I don't know why. He won't say."

"His so stubborn."

"Yeah I wonder who else is."

"Yeah so do I. Anyway what happened with Finch? How did she d... die?

"That involves an in person visit. I can't tell you over the phone."


"Jo look I have to go, please just come back no one can watch the school and I can't do this all on my own. Dorian and Emma are on a holiday and don't want to cut it short. And Mom really thinks she found a lead on the whole merge thing and can't leave. Please Jo I need help. Help me then go back on your trip. Help me then you can go back to avoiding Hope, and whatever happened between use too."

"Fine, I'll leave tomorrow. Also nothing happened."

"Whatever you want to tell yourself to sleep at night Jo. Thank you, I owe you big time I love you sis, bye."

"Whatever. You do. Love you, bye."

*Lizzie hangs up*

Finch is dead, my Dad's in hospital, and Lizzie is watching the school all on her own. What has been happening while I've been away?

I'm worried about my Dad. What happened? Why is he in hospital? And why doesn't he want vampire blood? These thoughts kept rushing through my mind.

I feel bad for Lizzie, she is running the school all on her own, it is also my responsibility as well as hers. The school was built for both of us. Is anyone helping her? MG, Cleo, Kaleb, Jed, ...... Hope. The super squad, I hope they're helping her in my absence.

And Finch... Finch is dead? Is she really dead? What happened? How did she die? I really wanted to try and be her friend if I had ever returned. I think I'm more so at peace with her, from the last time I spoke with her. We ended on good terms.

I'm not worried to go back and see Hope after telling her off, it was six months ago. Okay maybe I am. But... but I'm also weirdly looking forward to seeing her. I miss her face, her voice. I miss everything about her. As much as I want her to be mine, and me to be hers it just can't happen. I won't allow it.

I changed my plane tickets from Africa to America. Mystic Falls, Salvatore Boarding School here I come.

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