Chapter Seventeen

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I heard Lizzie scream from Professor Saltzman's office. I looked at MG and we both vamped over to her. "Lizzie what's wrong?" MG said worry clear in his voice, we can't have anymore things go wrong. "It's a happy scream silly. Guess who's coming to help?" Lizzie had a huge smile on her face, as she looked at MG and I. "Who? Your Mom?" MG guessed. "No even better. She's your favourite flavour Hope" Lizzie chucked, and winked at Hope. "Lizzie what the fuck. Who's my favourite flavour?" My eyes grew wider with realisation, "Jo? Is Josie coming back? I have to go." I started to walk out of the office, but before I could I was blacked out, laying limp on the floor.

"Lizzie why did you do that? She's going to kill you", MG whined. "I'd like to see her try. Josie would never talk to her again, and she does not want that. And MG to answer you question I did it because she needs to face her problems, and stop running away from them. My sister can't scare her that bad, have you seen Josie she looks like a teddy bear she wouldn't hurt a fly. And you have an all powerful tribrid over here." The sound of bones snapping over where Hope was laying down, well standing now, stopped Lizzie from rambling on.

"Your sister Lizzie, can indeed hurt a fly trust me. I'm surprised she didn't burn a hole in my head the last time I saw her. I need to get away. I can't hurt her anymore then I have." Hope looked anxious, but that didn't stop Lizzie. "HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON. DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE! What did you do to my sister it must be bad for her to be this angry at you? And if it's as bad as your making it out to be, I'll kill you Hope." Lizzie was pissed, she looked like she could kill Hope for hurting her sister.

MG jumped into the conversation, "Lizzie you can't kill Hope." He chuckled. "If she hurt Josie, I'll find a way don't worry", Lizzie said with no emotion on her face, this scared MG and Hope was a little worried. Gulping down her saliva Hope spoke, "It's not my place to say what happened. If you want to know your going to have to ask Josie. Just know I love your sister so much... I... I would die for her over and over again. But I pushed too far. My feelings are way to strong for her. And I-." Hope was cut off being brought into a group hug by Lizzie and MG, tears streaming down her face.

Two hours later...

Hope finally stopped sobbing like a love sick baby and I sent her to bed. MG took me over to the hospital to see my Dad. We don't know what happened he won't tell us. I just know that he refuses vampire blood. I want answers, just like everyone else.

We walked into his hospital room, and I saw that my dad was awake and sitting up. "Hey Daddy, how are you holding up?", "Hey Lizzie Bear, I've been better. How's everything with the school." Lizzie raised her eyebrows, "The school. The school you left me in charge of all by myself. Well it hasn't set on fire so I think we're good", Lizzie joked, Alaric laughed then groaned in pain from the laughter.

"I don't know why you don't just take some vampire blood Professor Saltzman?" MG chimed in, holding his wrist out. "Yeah dad!" Lizzie said enthusiastically, "Lizzie darling I can't. I don't deserve to just heal after what I've done." Lizzie's eyes widened, "What did you do dad?" Alaric shock his head 'no' "It's not important Elizabeth. Did you end up getting through to your sister?" Alaric asked trying to change the subject.

Lizzie took a seat next to her dad on the hospital bed, "You know how good I can be at convincing our dearest Josette. Of course I did. She's coming Dad. She's coming back." Lizzie said happily as she gave her dad a side hug. "Good Lizzie. We need her back. Josie can help fix everything, she's always been good at that."

"Dad you sound crazy maybe you should get some rest." Lizzie said as she hopped off her dads hospital bed, and started to exist out of the room with MG following closely behind. They said their goodbyes then left.

MG has a weird feeling about what could have happened with Alaric. And who is responsible for what happened with Finch. He tried opening up to Lizzie about it but she shut him down, with disbelief. He just hopes that Josie will be able to see what he sees, and believe him and his theory.

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