Chapter Twenty Seven

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Josie chuckled, "Come on Hope I still haven't seen my dad. He probably thinks I'm a terrible daughter."

Josie buried her face into her hands. Hope took Josie's hands away from her face, revealing a teary Josie. "Hey Jo your not a terrible daughter you haven't even been back for twenty four hours he'll live. Don't cry, come here", Hope said bringing Josie back down into a hug. Josie started sobbing and Hope whispered reassuring things into the siphoners ear and patted small circles on her back, to comfort her.

"We'll arrange morning sex for some other time, how does that sound?" Hope asked Josie trying to make her laugh a little. Josie lifted her head, her face red and wet from her tears, Hope began to wipe them with her thumbs. "It sounds good. But know this, I would never turn down sex with you, especially after last night." Josie said with a smile and a wink.

Both girls shared a quick kiss before getting out of bed and grabbing their clothes from wherever they each threw them last night. "Really Hope? You seriously had to rip my shirt?" Josie questioned, not knowing if she should be angry or turned on by this. "You didn't have a problem with it last night. Actually if I recall I felt you getting wet on top of me when I ripped it off." Hope replied with a smirk thinking about how she ripped it off of Josie last night. While Josie tried to ignore what Hope had said, but a blush creeped onto her cheeks.

"I'll give you some clean clothes to wear Jo. Don't worry." Hope gave Josie a reassuring smile. Josie smiled back sweetly thinking about how good Hope is being to her and their not even officially girlfriends yet.

Looking through her closest Hope asked, "What do you feel like wearing today Jo?" Josie came from behind Hope and hugged her, "Well a clean pair of underwear would be nice", Josie muffled from Hope's back. Hope giggled and walked to her dresser, with Josie still holding her from behind.

"Here", Hope passed Josie a pair of bright pink lace panties. "Very funny. I see what your trying to do Hope", Josie chuckled taking the under garment from Hope. "Is it working?" Hope replied, turning around watching Josie put the panties on. "I was going to say yes, but I think it's doing more to you then it is to me", Josie laughed out.

Hope walked away ignoring Josie's comment knowing she is right. Josie put her bra back on, and her skirt as well, "Where are your shirts Hope?" Hope turned around to see that Josie was almost dressed, she pointed to where her shirts are.

Now almost dressed Hope turned around to see a frustrated Josie was still looking for a shirt. "Have you still not found a shirt? I have so many." Josie raised her eyebrows at that comment, "Not to sound rude or anything but your clothes are a little... ummm how do I say this... basic." Hope didn't take offence to this, she knows she has a basic sense of style she doesn't care what she wears. "I know. But we all can't look as hot and stylish as you." Josie blushed at that comment.

Hope not bothered grabbed herself the first shirt on top a navy blue shirt, Josie looked off to the side giving herself a look and it didn't go unnoticed by Hope. "Here this would look great with your skirt Jo", Josie took the shirt from Hope knowing this colour would go great with her black skirt she has on. Josie pecked Hope's check and said thank you before finishing getting herself ready, that included covering the hickies that Hope had left all down her neck which Josie of course scolded Hope about.

Both girls walked out of Hope's room hand in hand to Alaric's office, that's where Lizzie would be. Some students looked at the girls with kind faces, while others just handed money over to their friends. Both girls giggled at that, knowing how obvious they were when it came to their feelings, that so many people bet on them getting together. Once they got to the office Josie just opened the door, not having a reason to knock.

"Oh... my... god...", was all Josie could get out. Hope's mouth was opened from shock. MG was sitting in Alaric's chair and Lizzie was sitting in his lap, breaking away from their make out session after being interrupted by their friends. Josie started jumping up and down, "I knew it! I knew use two would finally get together. I should have bet with someone like use did on Hope and I." Josie said excitement clear in her voice.

"Oh I forgot about that I've been a little busy, here Milton", Lizzie passed MG a $50 bill, the vampire smiled realising that his friends had finally gotten together as well. "So how long has this been going on for?" Josie began grilling her sister. "None of your business", Lizzie said while signalling MG to get out of the chair. "None of my business! I told you everything about Hope and I. EVERYTHING!" Josie emphasised on 'everything'.

"Fine. It just happened, last night after you left to go meet with Hope, MG asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes." Lizzie and Josie both squealed. Josie broke her hand away from Hope's, running to give both her sister and MG a hug. "Finally", she said while hugging them. "Finally? Finally for you guys", Lizzie said breaking out of the hug.

"Nothing is official yet", Hope joined into the conversation. Lizzie darted her eyes at Hope, "What do you mean nothing is offical? We have not waited all this time for you just to fuck my sister." Josie slapped Lizzie in the shoulder, "Lizzie!" she scolded her sister. "Oh yes I want details as well sis", Josie rolled her eyes and Hope chuckled. Lizzie raised her eyebrows at Hope waiting for an answer. "She wants me to take her on a date first", Hope said to Lizzie.

Lizzie approved of this answer, and continued. "Okay details later Jo. Then we can talk about double dates. But first we have a school to run", Lizzie said sitting in her fathers chair. Hope's phone began ringing, Josie turned around to see who it was. "It's... ummm my... ummm uncle Kol... ummm this will be a while. I'll catch up with you all a little later. Okay?" Josie nodded at Hope, and Hope left the office.

"Well that's a bit suspicious", Lizzie said looking at MG trying to get him to listen in on the phone call, which he didn't, feeling like it was wrong to do. "What do you mean?" Josie questioned. "Well ummm I don't know she did use a few too many 'ummms' don't you think for it to be just her ummm uncle", Lizzie said mimicking Hope. Josie looked at the door debating whether or not she should go see what's up with Hope or help run the school.

Ignoring everything that just happened, feeling like Hope wouldn't lie or do anything bad considering she's been wanting Josie for ages. Josie continued on with her day, "So what do you need me to do Lizzie?"

Authors note: Do you guys want more Mizzie? Or do use just want me to focus on Hosie? Please let me know :)

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