Chapter Four

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"Oh hey Jo! It's all good" Finch said with a small smile and a little wave of her hand. Ughhh why is she being so nice to me, she's the one that couldn't wait to break up with me any faster than it happened. I gave her a tight lipped smile and told her I better get going. And started to walk away.

With that she grabbed me by my wrist, "Hey why are you doing? Let go of me!" I said firmly standing my ground, god I'm so proud of myself for standing up to her and I bet Lizzie would be too. "What aren't you going to say goodbye to me?" she said with some sort of an attitude, I rolled my eyes "I'm just going to the Old Mill, you'll see me again don't worry." I started to walk away again, but she grabbed my wrist again, can this girl seriously not take a hint.

"No Jo. You're leaving the school... Mystic Falls", my mouth mentally dropped, as I gave her a confused look. How does she know this only my Dad, Lizzie, and MG know oh and Hope too.

Finch saw how confused Josie was so she continued on "Hope told me. You should keep her on a tighter leash if you don't want her spilling your secrets" Finch finished of with a laugh. What Hope told Finch why? Josie thought. "First of all Hope is not mine to keep on a leash, and second of all why would she tell you?" I said with an attitude, being completely annoyed with this whole situation.

"She told me because I saw her running out of the school with tears streaming down her face, you really do have her all full of emotions and what not" Finch said back with an attitude, trying to get back at her ex even though she was the one that broke up with Josie. "I... I she was cr-" Finch cut me off .

"Look I'm sorry for everything, I know I broke up with you and maybe one day you'll see why. But I'm glad you're leaving you need this, but I'm also sad for you because I know you Jo, and I know you're just trying to run away from your problems but maybe you should be tackling them head first. Hope's out on the docks maybe you should go see her, make things right with her."

What Finch just said had caught me by absolute surprise, I really do appreciate it though and think I needed to hear it but I still need to go. I gave Finch a thank you look and a small hug and kiss on her cheek, last goodbyes and all. I'm happy I saw her one last time, maybe if I ever came back we could be friends.

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