Chapter Twenty Four 🔞🥵

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Smut warning if you didn't guess by the title.

Still in a heated make out session on the dock, Hope picked Josie up bridal style which allowed Josie to break away and giggle. Hope vamped to her room, quickly casting a silencing spell.

Hope gently threw Josie down onto her bed, which allowed them to share longing looks telling each other what is about to go down. "Jo are you okay if we-", Hope began to ask. Josie pulled Hope down so that she was hovering over her. "I want you Hope. I want you now. Let me be selfish with you", Josie said seductively. This made Hope's wolf go mad. She's about to do some crazy things to the brunette.

The girls started making out again allowing things to get heated more quickly. Hope stopped kissing Josie's lips, moving down to the siphons neck. Kissing, nibbling and biting the soft skin there, leaving as many marks as she possibly can, with a whimpering Josie laying underneath her. Hope wants the world to know that Josie's hers, and she's Josie's.

Once Hope was pleased with the marks that she left on Josie's neck she moved back up to Josie's lips, kissing them. Josie broke away from the kiss looking at Hope's chest which made Hope confused. That was until she realised Josie wanted her to take her shirt off. "Jo. Do you want to take my shirt off?" Hope asked with a huge smirk covering her face. "Y... yeah... yes", Josie managed to break out with arousal all over her face. "Ask Jo. I want you to use your words." Hope loved being this way with Josie she couldn't be like this with her ex. "C... can I take your shirt of Hope?", Josie asked looking up at Hope with a little pout. "Only if I can take yours off!?" Hope said with a devious smirk.

Josie sat up making Hope sit up in her lap. Josie started lifting Hope's shirt up revealing her perfectly toned abs, which drove Josie to start outlining them with her nails, this made Hope shudder. Josie saw this reaction from Hope so she started pecking them, while slowly lifting up her shirt, working her way up slowly and seductively.

This drove Hope's wolf mad she wanted Josie and she wanted her now. Hope kept fighting her wolfs urges, Josie wouldn't be ready for that so soon.

Josie finally took Hope's shirt of throwing it in some random direction, revealing Hope's red lace bra. Josie took a moment to take Hope in. "Your so unbelievably beautiful Hopey", Josie said making Hope blush. "As are you my love. Now let me-" Josie cut Hope off bringing her into a passionate kiss.

Slowly pulling away Josie took her hands and placed them on Hope's back, "Can I?", Josie asked looking up at the tribrid. Hope hummed in response, "Use your words Hope" Josie teased back, Hope rolled her eyes. "Yes Josie you can take my bra off", Josie did as Hope said and unclasped her bra revealing her breasts. Josie's jaw quite literally almost dropped to the floor, she was mesmerised at the sight of Hope's boobs. "Jo your about to catch a fly with your mouth opened that much", Hope giggled.

Josie reddened with embarrassment, but suddenly composed herself and got back to what she had planned for the tribrid. Josie looked up at Hope and pecked her lips, then she suddenly broke away. The younger girl put her mouth on the older girls left nipple sucking it, and started playing with the right nipple, with her fingers. This took Hope by absolute surprise, she wasn't expecting this from Josie. Hope was turning into a whimpering mess.

Switching boobs, Hope's whimpers got louder and louder and started turning into little moans. Josie on the other hand was enjoying pleasing Hope, and seeing the auburnette a moaning whimpering mess, especially when she was only touching her breast and had yet to touch her where she really wanted to most.

Catching Hope completely off guard Josie flipped their positions so that she was now on top. Hope didn't like this dominance from Josie, her wolf wouldn't allow it. Josie was about to make her way to Hope's neck, when Hope stopped Josie by squeezing her ass which made a moan escape from Josie's mouth. Hope then sat up making Josie do so as well, without asking Hope ripped off Josie's shirt, yep she ripped it off! Josie was completely taken aback by this but it only turned her on more, she could feel herself becoming wetter and wetter. And she knew Hope could too.

Josie roughly grabbed Hope's face and started kissing her, Hope pulled away getting more and more horny by the second. She looked at Josie like Josie had done to her, and unclasped her bra. Hope started pecking Josie's boobs going from one to the other, getting closer and closer to her nipples, teasing the brunette. Hope started licking one nipple in circular motions, and played with the other with her fingers. Hope then placed her lips around the nipple and started gently sucking rhythmically, gradually sucking harder. Going from Josie's left boob to right and back and forth. You thought Hope was a complete mess Josie was a whole mess, she had never had this sort of treatment before. Mixing it up Hope went from licking, sucking, and massaging Josie's breasts. Hope was incredibly impressed with herself.

As Josie was a moaning mess from these simple actions Hope was occupied with, Hope switch positions with her vamp powers making Josie now lay down on her bed. Hope eventually moved from Josie's breasts back to her neck and lips. Needing some friction Josie held down Hope's waist, slowly grinding on her. Leaving both girls moaning, from the light touch.

The older girl could see how desperate Josie was now getting so she decided to tease her a little. Hope suddenly got off of Josie and her bed completely. This made Josie sit up rapidly with a clearly confused face, and of course her signature pout. "What?", Hope asked trying not to give into Josie's pout. "WHAT? Are you serious. I've been waiting forever for this and... and what you just get up off of me."

Slowly walking back up to Josie Hope seductively replied, "I'm just teasing. Maybe I wanted to take my jeans off. Maybe you can help me?" Josie got up off Hope's bed and walked right up to Hope closing the space between them. "Don't ever tease me like that again, Hope Andrea Mikaelson", Josie whispered into Hope's lips, before giving them a quick peck.

"What are you going to do about it Josette?" Hope whispered back into Josie's lips, purposely trying to set Josie off the edge.

Smut warning for the next chapter as well 😉

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