Chapter 006 - 010

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Chapter 06: The operation is quite amazing, but unnecessary.

In terms of jungler, Lin Duyi must admit that Lu Xiulian has a very keen intuition.

With the harassment that Lin Duyi just did at the beginning, although the red side midlaner needs to return to the line to continue to eat the line economy, but the jungler has completely disrupted the rhythm after two pulls. In order to prevent history from repeating, Auxiliary will inevitably be left as escort.

In this way, the original 2V1 bot lane has become a 1V1 state, which is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of.


In the process of walking down the road with Lu Xiulian, Lin Duyi silently glanced at the red Fang Ye area shrouded in fog on the opposite side.

According to the normal jungler speed, if there is no accident, the opposing wild sheep father should also bring their assistants near this area at this time. If the response is fast, they may come to support at any time.

It just depends on how Lu Xiulian prepares to deal with it.

Lin Duyi, who was quickly tapping the keyboard in his hand, completely followed the team's actions, looked extremely well-behaved.

There was no intention to speak to remind at all.

Who made him just a harmless little assistant now, it's not his turn to worry about things like fighting and killing.

Lu Xiulian's hero in this game is Mandel, an assassin-type ambusher in the dark night. His skill features have multiple displacement effects. Once he shows off, his entire movement is extremely agile, and he becomes the biggest bargaining chip to take the head of the enemy in the army.

The superbly operated Night Ambusher is just like his name, a night blade that comes and goes without a trace, but it also makes this hero destined to have a very low fault tolerance rate.

As long as the operation sequence of a skill is wrong, it is often very likely that there will be a historical and famous scene of big recruits.

It is said that the heads sent by the players of the Night Ambusher in the canyon every day can be connected to circle the earth N circles.

But in the end, this hero is exceptionally handsome from appearance to skills, and he is also a frequent visitor in major highlight videos.

The ocean singer that Lin Duyi played had no displacement skills, and Lu Xiulian sprinted towards the opponent's shooter as soon as they met, directly pulling the distance between the two of them.

Fortunately, he was fast enough to hang a blessing BUFF on the night ambush in time.

The shooter players of the Internet cafe team were also very vigilant. Seeing that an enemy figure suddenly flashed out of the river, they simply handed over the flashing skill without even thinking, and instantly retreated a whole body to the rear.

However, at this time, a green vine protruded from the grass on the side of the defensive tower, just in the position where the flash landed, and tied him directly to the spot without error.

Internet cafe team shooter: "Fuck there are so many people!"

Daddy Sheep: "Stay steady, here we come!"

The shooter of the Internet cafe team wanted to cry without tears: "I'm afraid it won't be stable anymore."

Before he finished speaking, the night ambusher had already used the second stage of displacement to reach him.

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