Chapter 031 - 035

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Chapter 31: Reasons for not playing a career

It was the first time that Lin Duyi had difficulty understanding such a simple statement.

After a while, I felt that it might be what he thought: "...Are you trying to say that you want to make an appointment for a month's sparring time with me?"

"Yes, that's right." Lu Xiulian answered quite succinctly, "It can be settled according to the whole month or separately every day, it depends on your convenience. How about it, can I pay?"

"Yes, yes." Lin Duyi said, glancing at the chat box where he had just replied, "But it is estimated that it will be at least next week."

Lu Xiulian asked, "Why?"

The answer given by Lin Duyi is quite correct, and the public and private are clear: "A batch of queuing numbers has just been issued. If you place an order now, the number will be 34."

Lu Xiulian: "?"

He was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses: "...If I remember correctly, the number I made today is 13. The rankings for the evening have just finished, and you will be ranked directly in front of you in the blink of an eye. It's the 33rd?"

"Well, the last order I just received is indeed No. 33." Lin Duyi said calmly, "I'm sorry, I'm faster."

That was so fast...

Lu Xiulian felt a little headache.

Lin Duyi waited for a while without seeing a response, and asked, "So do you still have an appointment?"

Lu Xiulian was in a complicated mood.

But I always feel that some bags are better than none, so I still answer humbly: "Appointment."

"Well, your KOY's number is 34." Lin Duyi pulled out a convenient notepad and registered it. Suddenly he thought of something, and casually added, "One thousand per round, and there is no discount for large quantities."

Lu Xiulian: "...No problem."

Lin Duyi was in a good mood, he said hello and quit the game.

Compared with those platform hosts and professional clubs who are not easy to deal with, relatively speaking, he has a lot of knowledge in contact with KOY where Lu Xiulian is located, and CHI has just joined the team, but he has no worries. Now it's just that Lu Xiulian has a lot of money, and it really feels good to find an excuse to let those who use the opportunity of sparring to make other ideas.

But in the same way, Lin Duyi is also a very principled person.

Since I have agreed to the batch of sparring lists before the number 33, of course, I will complete them as promised, and treat them equally.


In the next week, netizens still followed TheONE's footsteps with great enthusiasm and shuttled through the live broadcast rooms of major anchors. During this period of time, almost wherever TheONE goes, it can bring a large number of attention to it, which is a complete popularity indicator.

But soon, after another Monday, everyone suddenly discovered that TheONE's double-row preview seemed to have disappeared from the live broadcast rooms of major anchors. No matter which platform was searched, there was no sign of the launch of double-row.

what happened? Is it canceled or booked?

The situation has undoubtedly sparked a flurry of speculation.

The degree of discussion in the outside world has been high, which directly caused a headache for several clubs who made an appointment.

If I had known that those platform anchors who love traffic would do it, they would have been waiting and watching at the time. It would be better to put down the shelf and make an appointment at the beginning, maybe it would not have attracted such great attention.

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