Chapter 011 - 015

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Chapter 11: "Research, it's convenient to do what you like."

At the end of the ranking, An Ledou's live broadcast room was still full of eyes [Who are you?] occupies the screen.

As for An Ledou himself, he closed his eyes in desperation, and had no intention to owe any more.

No matter how sturdy the face is beaten too much, it will still be rotten. I doubt that hearing the female voice of the super god system again will produce a series of stress reactions.

If he was asked to give a speech at this time, it would probably be a long essay on "How It Feels to Be Broken Mind".

The professional players who sneaked into the live broadcast room have all left quietly.

After a while, the people in TheONE's friend list watched helplessly as the avatar that just lit up went offline with the account and went dark again.

Logging out of the game is as unpredictable as logging in.

The launch of TheONE this time seems to exist specifically to slap An Ledou in the face.

The fingertip tapped the left mouse button lightly, and after opening TheONE's data interface, you can see all the recent battle records.

At this point, the top passerby king seems very generous.

TheONE did not set the viewing permission of the record, and displayed all the battle data clearly and clearly in front of everyone, which was quite frank.

Victory green records are scattered all over the screen.

At first glance, in all previous games, except for the shooter position used today, most of them were mid laners. Occasionally, in the peak games where the game ID is not displayed under the system rules, there have been auxiliary, jungler, etc. to fill the position.

Basically they are MVPs, and they have a very good record even in filling positions.

Lu Xiulian touched his chin with one hand, and his eyes stayed on the screen thoughtfully.

Su Mifei flew over: "What do you think of TheONE?"

It was the same question that Wen Yan asked just now, but this time, Lu Xiulian didn't perfunctory.

On the contrary, it sounds a bit serious: "It should be said that it is one of the most aggressive C-positions I have seen so far. It is very fierce, especially fierce, but it is also very precise when dealing with details, and it will not go up at all. However, in the face of such teammates, the biggest problem is probably coordination. If the teammates are not strong enough, they cannot keep up with the rhythm, and it is easy to cause the team to be out of touch.”

As he said that, he pointed to the statistics panel at the end of the qualifying round: "But the assistant who walked down the road with him today is obviously a master and looks like a double row."

"I'm taking the orphan's path in this version. I only care about the charge in team battles, and I don't understand the twists and turns of your soul partners." Su Mifei looked at him and asked, "You just speak human words and tell me, TheONE Does it fit the style of our KOY?"

"As a shooter, support is very important. Now that Zongzi has already run away, it is unrealistic for Tang Ze to switch to support to keep up with this crazy rhythm, so don't think about it." Lu Xiulian said this, tilted his head and smiled, "But if If we are able to play in the middle, and if the middle and jungle are linked, I think we should be able to play an absolute tacit understanding."

Su Mifei heard the meaning: "It seems that you are looking forward to it, that means you can consider it?"

"You think about it, do they take care of you?" Lu Xiulian glanced at him speechlessly, "Judging from the news that Wen Yan from ZHE sent me just now, I don't know how many professional teams squatted in the live broadcast room to watch. With so many powerful teams, do you think it is possible for TheONE to blindly take a fancy to an unknown team like us who has just completed registration, has not played any results, and even has no starting lineup? "

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