Chapter 021 - 025

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Chapter 21: Dropping a horse is like a confession, and there must be a sense of ritual.

The eerie silence in the hall continued until the sound of footsteps at the entrance of the stairs came again.

Everyone in KOY looked up instinctively, and at a glance they saw the contract document that Wei Yinian was holding, which seemed to be the best proof of what Lin Duyi just said.

First stunned.

Immediately afterwards, all eyes fell on Chi Guan who was following a few steps away.

Wei Yinian clapped his hands and drew the attention of the scene: "It's almost time for dinner. I booked a box outside. Let's go out for dinner together. It's just a welcome to the new member."

After speaking, seeing that no one said a word, he wrinkled and asked, "Does anyone want to go?"

"Go, go, wait for us to change clothes." As soon as the voice fell, several people dispersed.

The hall was instantly empty.

Lin Duyi looked down at the half-cup of warm water in his hand, and was considering whether to say goodbye. When the light in front of him dimmed, Lu Xiulian had already put the black sun hat next to him on his head, and the voice spread casually. Lai: "It's hard work as a recommender, let's eat together."

Lin Duyi looked up, just in time to meet those long and narrow eyes.

Seemingly reading what Lin Duyi wanted to refuse, Lu Xiulian asked one more question: "Should you not go to bed so early?"

Lin Duyi silently glanced at the phone. It was only half past five: "...Well, let's go together."

After speaking, he lowered the brim of his hat a little, stood up, and walked to Chi Guan to discuss the signing of the contract.

The others from KOY went downstairs after changing their clothes, and got into the black commercial car that was already waiting at the door.

Lin Duyi and Chi Guan also walked out one after the other.

Lu Xiulian deliberately walked at the back, until he saw everyone got into the car, then pulled Wei Yinian aside and asked, "Coach, are you sure this is the assistant king CHI?"

Wei Yinian was slightly stunned by the question, and then felt a little amused: "Is this still fake? The person you found yourself recommended him, why, don't you believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it." Lu Xiu thought about it for a while, and finally summed up all his feelings into one sentence, "That's right, it's quite sudden."

Wei Yinian agreed with this: "...It's really sudden."

When the two arrived, everyone else had already taken their seats.

Wei Yinian went directly to the co-pilot. When Lu Xiulian got into the car, because everyone else subconsciously kept a polite distance from the assistant king, only the last seat was left, which happened to be next to Lin Duyi.

Lu Xiulian stepped into the car and sat down.

Others tacitly lowered their heads and played with their mobile phones, looking very interested, but in fact they were chatting hotly in the team group.

[Tang Seng: Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's actually CHI!]

[Brother Fei: Tang Seng, you are feeling well, the assistant king walks down the road with you, and explodes the cauldron that you bear the full responsibility for!]

[Tang Seng: Don't say it, I am willing to die to apologize for the collapse of the road!]

[Your LO: Speaking of which, this little assistant knows even the auxiliary king, will he also know TheONE?]

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