Chapter 071 - 075

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Chapter 71: How did he get to bed?

That afternoon, the Huaguo Electric Competition Area was quite hilarious.

The main reason for the hi, naturally stems from the training match that broke the news in TheONE Olympic selection training camp.

Almost every time a head exploded during the live broadcast, there would be a burst of heartfelt cheers on the barrage.

Precisely because the number of kills broke out almost all the time, the audience in the live broadcast room was always immersed in the sea of ​​joy.

Everyone is swiping the screen to play CALL for TheONE and No2's midfield linkage.

As for who the opponent's assistant who had the most corpses in the canyon during this period of time was obviously not the key point to pay attention to.

During the live broadcast, other selection team members also gathered around to watch the news.

Wen Yan didn't forget to click into the live broadcast room with his mobile phone while the voices were boiling, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help lowering a little while watching the content scrolling on the barrage.

Ning Gaoming, who came to join in the fun, caught his partner's unhappy mood at a glance, approached and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look at it yourself." Wen Yan brought the phone in his hand to Ning Gaoming, his tone was annoyed, "Damn, why does it feel like I'm the only one in the world who doesn't know that Lu Er has had an affair with TheONE?"

Ning Gaoming glanced at it and smiled with a good temper: "No, I am later than you, and I only know now."

Wen Yan's mouth twitched slightly: "...Thank you, I was comforted."

Live matches that are celebrated all over the world are always particularly short-lived.

Because the crushing situation was too thorough, the live broadcast of the training match ended in 26 minutes.

The middle and lower lanes were broken through, and the jungle areas were raising pigs. Group H could not find any chance to come back from the beginning to the end.

Among them, the one who died the most was undoubtedly their support.

The 0-8-3 record was extremely exaggerated even in the scrims, which made Zong Yuan an extremely dazzling existence other than Lin Duyi and Lu Xiulian.

So, Zip went out of the circle like this.

Many netizens who didn't know this ID searched for it curiously, and found out that Zong Yuan just signed a new contract to join QF this year, which was quite shocking.

Oh huh, Caicheng is still a professional player like this? !

The result of World War I was suddenly a lot more attention.

But some too much attention can be a good thing

After glancing at the content in the comment area, Zong Yuan directly deleted the Weibo app with a cold face.

But before he could calm down, Su Mifei had already found him in a ruthless way: "Group H, let's come next game?"

Zong Yuan's eyes turned dark, and he almost fainted.

The effect of the live broadcast was excellent, and the person in charge of the media wanted to continue to apply for another round.

Fang Heng refused without thinking: "Well, after a while, if there is a new live broadcast opportunity, I will arrange for you to come back as soon as possible."

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