Chapter 081 - 085

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Chapter 81: This ride is like a dream back to S3!

This wave of Xiaolong's victory obviously completely disrupted the rhythm of the Korean team.

After all, the center of the Korean team's lineup is obviously centered around Elko. Lin Duyi sits in the middle, which firmly restricts their core. This makes the Huaguo team in the next period of time have a very comfortable environment.

It wasn't until 18 minutes into the game that Elko finally got into action.

Wei Yinian has always maintained a serious attitude to watch the game.

When he saw the two figures suddenly appearing from the grass, he was instantly conscious: "Oh...they finally found it too."

The sudden Nakano linkage GANK, the Korean team's intention is obviously not really want to tear from the bottom, but to force a team fight again.

Lin Duyi and Lu Xiulian almost immediately followed the cover.

One uses the waves on the ground for interference control, and the other chases after the excellent output environment.

After all, it was a small-scale 4v4 team battle, not to mention the absolute tacit understanding of the South Korean team's bot lane twins, they have had a period of running-in, giving them a great advantage at this time.

In the end, Chi Guan and Zhong Jingsheng both died under the entanglement of the two sides, and the jungler and support of the Korean team also fell.

2 for 2!

It seems that there is no advantage to either side, but the double murder this time fell into the hands of Elko, but actually the Korean side took a lot of advantage.

Obviously, the Korean team's mid-nuclear tactics have finally begun to operate officially.

In the following period of time, waves of small-scale battles continued to unfold throughout the canyon.

Either it broke out in the jungle area, or it happened in the upper and lower lanes.

It is not difficult to find that every time South Korea's combat choices deliberately avoid Lin Duyi's position.

This is somewhat intentional to avoid fighting with Lin Duyi.

From a certain point of view, it may seem that Elko is actively admitting counsel, but from the effect of feedback again and again, this choice is undoubtedly correct.

Don't be an individual hero, after all, this is a team game!

In this way, as the game continues, it can be found that the balance of victory is gradually tilted in the direction of the Korean team.

Before he knew it, the situation that Fang Heng was worried about happened.

No matter how to use personal strength to make up for the problems of team tacit understanding, in this head-on collision mode, the extent that can be achieved is limited after all.

As a team, once the above problems are caught by the opponent, the rest will only be ruthless tearing.

The game ended at 35 minutes.

The South Korean team successfully passed the mid-to-late operation and gradually pulled back the disadvantage in the early stage. With the most simple and unpretentious way of dealing, it overwhelmed the Huaguo team's god-level players on the stage full of individual performances.

This result is not too unexpected. In fact, Wei Yinian is very happy. At least he has obtained more important news than expected through this training game.

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