Chapter 016 - 020

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Chapter 16: Which idiot would spend this unjust money!

As soon as the group was over, Lin Duyi received a forwarding link from the old fat man.

Because the people were still in the team channel, he didn't need to send a message, he glanced at it directly, and asked through the team voice: "What is this?"

"What is this? I should have asked you right, brother ONE!" The old fat said in a familiar tone, "I was still thinking that you are still here to compete with us, and you still have time to climb up quietly. Hot search and then amaze everyone, awesome!"

Lin Duyi: "?"

Confused, he clicked on the link.

The next second, jumped directly to the Weibo APP.

Looking at the content of the entry on the page, he fell silent.

Only at this time can we fully feel the absolute popularity of the game "Achieving the Peak".

While they were playing in the rankings, #TheONE Gamepage# had already jumped into the top 10 trending searches.

And looking at the situation, it is clear that it continues to soar.

Click on the entry, and the popular Weibo below shows a screenshot of the game's homepage.

In the picture, the sentence on the player's personal status bar is very clear, and the relevant comments are even more lively.

[Is it so profitable to play games now, one thousand per game?]

[Is it crazy to think about money while riding a horse?]

[Please look up at the ID, TheONE, that is the number one in the overall ranking of the whole server!]

[What's wrong with the list one, playing a game with him can get ten stars directly or what?]

[People, there must be capital to open this price, but this price is really outrageous.]

[Hey, let's not say anything else, if you can make a bid, it means that you are really taking advantage of it, right?]

[Really, really, is there really someone who is willing to take the bait with a lot of money?]

[That is, which idiot would spend this unjust money!]

Lin Duyi: "......"

After spending time dealing with those professional clubs and platform anchors, he almost forgot that his tuba had never closed the access to the homepage. Ordinary players can easily see it through a search on the Peak Camp APP.

And his account has always been at the top of the list, and the traffic has always been, um, very good.

Low-key personalities are in crisis.


After listening to the ins and outs, the old fat couldn't help laughing, and he endured and comforted: "It's okay, it's because they don't understand the great god's distress."

CHI also echoed: "It's also good to be on the hot search, just as a free promotion business."

Lin Duyi's face was expressionless: "CHI, I think you might consider changing careers to play shooters."

CHI: "Huh?"

Lin Duyi: "In terms of making up the knife, he is very talented."

The old fat laughed directly and passed out.


In fact, compared to Lin Duyi's sudden high-profile depression, what was even more depressing was the major professional clubs who were still racking their brains to win over.

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