Extra 11

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Extra 11: Special guest commentary

Even the organizers did not expect that TheONE would actually agree to the invitation to comment on the game.

Although the battle between KOY and MGD is not a crucial finals, it has a considerable impact on the roster of this year's World Championship. With the addition of TheONE's commentary, the whole field heated up directly.

"Is this a surprise for me?" Lu Xiulian was also surprised when he heard the news, and called Lin Duyi directly, "Is it really a surprise, are you sure it's not a shock? Your hand suddenly shines, it makes me feel like I should be cut with a thousand cuts if I don't win this game."

Lin Duyi asked back, "Don't tell me you didn't intend to win?"

Lu Xiu even coughed. "Not really."

Lin Duyi: "Actually, I don't care. When I received the invitation, I felt that I had nothing to do and agreed. If you don't like it, I can push it."

"No, you don't need to push." ​​Lu Xiulian laughed slowly, and his low voice brushed his ears through the phone, "I like it very much."

Lin Duyi glanced at someone who was obviously looking forward to it but was still pretending, and held back a smile.

The location of the game is in A City.

Lin Duyi and KOY took the same flight, checked in in the same hotel, then took the same car to the game, and were invited to the backstage lounge by the staff alone.

After all, the identities of commentators and players are different. Although the organizers also want to make a gimmick for the couple to show their faces at the same time, considering the process, the two sides are temporarily separated.

Lin Duyi used to seldom put on makeup when his team played games. At this time, seeing the people from the makeup team come in with a toolbox, he understood. He reminded them at the right time, and repeatedly emphasized that they would just do a simple task. deal with.

However, his foundation was good, and he was at the best age at this time. No matter how he did it, he was very photogenic, and the staff temporarily serving as assistants didn't force it.

Half an hour later, as the game time approached, Lin Duyi went to the commentary room under the leadership of the staff.

It can be seen that the organizer attaches great importance to this commentary by TheONE, and the other two assigned to him are very well-known official commentators in the industry.

As soon as they met, the two fully exposed the attributes of their little fan brother, and gave him the C-position in the middle with great enthusiasm.

Of course, Lin Duyi could also feel the care of the two professional commentators. He smiled slightly and was not too polite. After the official opening, he also naturally integrated into his identity today.

In the eyes of others, after all, this is TheONE's first commentary show, and he usually never starts live broadcasts, so he has very little interaction with netizens.

At first, they were somewhat worried about his performance in this commentary process, but after a brief exchange, they found that this commentary performance was as stable as his performance in the Olympics.

In the stage before the official start of the game, the commentary room was actively driving the atmosphere of the audience.

However, because of the existence of TheONE, it doesn't really need too many words, and the entire page of the live broadcast room has long been full of barrages.

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