Chapter 131 - 135

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Chapter 131: Nothing can stop the Huaguo team!

Everything is ready, the game will officially start soon.

This is not the first time China and South Korea have played against each other, and it is not even the second time. Coupled with the privately scheduled training match before, both players and fans are fully aware of each other. Starting from the BP session in the first round, the coaching staff was quite straightforward in the selection of players' targets. They didn't have so much fuss, but made the scene of the game even more smoky.

Lin Duyi moved his wrist, and his eyes fell calmly on the computer screen.

The first game begins.

Unsurprisingly, the South Korean team chose to target Lin Duyi.

In the first 5 minutes alone, they came to GANK back and forth no less than three times.

Even Han Xinjue on the bench frowned a little. "South Korea is recklessly trying to break the middle."

"I guessed it, the psychological shadow area left by the 3V3 game is too large. Instead of escaping, it is better to choose to face it directly and be decisive." Wei Yinian also paid attention to the battle situation on the field, but recalled the team game at that time. He couldn't help laughing at the grand occasion of the encirclement and suppression of the upper three, "How many people come to the middle lane is not the point, the point is how TheONE will deal with it. I think he is quite used to it. People came so many times, and not a single shot was missed."

Han Xinjue glanced at the economic situation on both sides, and his expression was also slightly slower. "Stable in the early stage, and it should not be a problem in the later stage."

Although it was not stated clearly, others also knew what Han Xinjue meant by the later period.

With Zhong Jingsheng on the court, the Huaguo team is destined to not lack output damage in the late game.

Wen Yan suddenly laughed, "Actually, why are we so nervous here, there are people who can't hold back more than us."

The person he was talking about was obviously Lu Xiulian.

It would be fine if he was not on the court. Since he was on the court, seeing Lin Duyi being surrounded and bullied by so many people, it was a very rational move to be able to control his impulse and go to the road to do a few GANKs.

But the final blowout was a solo kill.

[First Blood!]

Obviously being targeted to the extreme, Lin Duyi still successfully killed Elko on the line, returned to the defense tower with blood, and returned to the city happily with the first blood economy in his pocket to update a wave of equipment.

"Beautiful! TheONE proved to us that your father is still your father with actual performance. He has played so many games against the Korean team. In this Olympics, the players from China have told us with their absolutely strong performance, 'anti-Korean' It has long been a word of the past, and now the entire e-sports circle needs to know that our Huaguo e-sports team is here!" The host's impassioned voice spread to every corner of the live broadcast room.

[Elko is a mid laner ceiling? Then our TheONE is not the King Optimus Prime!]

[It's a single kill! So cool! What's the use of brainless targeting, just use your strength to slap you in the face!]

[I used to see Elko being very fierce, why can't he dance in front of the god ONE?]

[The fierceness also depends on who is fighting. Facts have proved that there is no fiercest, only more fierce.]

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