Extra 03

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Extra 03: Explosion's sparring invitation

Although the Olympic Games are over, the team of e-sports players has not disbanded.

All the players returned to their own clubs to prepare for the professional league in the second half of the year. Apart from engaging in active training, they would come out from time to time to chat, and the feelings of teammates were still engraved on them.

Lin Duyi occasionally sees a message pop up and clicks in to take a look, but because the setting is to receive messages but not remind, it is often that other people have chatted a lot before re-reading the chat history.

And after waking up from a nap that day, someone just wrote his ID directly, and the whole message jumped out, just a series of messages.

[EYE-Wen Yan: @TheONE-Lin Duyi, I heard that you have rejected our club invitation for the third time?]

[EYE-Wen Yan: Let’s just say it, what do you think?]

[EYE-Wen Yan: Even if you want to go to KOY, I recognize it, don’t hang us with the words that only accept the sparring list~# kneel.jpg]

Lin Duyi only felt confused at first glance. It was not until he looked up that he realized that the professional players of various clubs had just checked their internal information, from ZHE to UTO to MGD, etc., all expressed their opinions in different ways. No one in the club could successfully persuade TheONE to sign up.

Among them, several giants such as ZHE, where Wen Yan is located, have sent out invitations no less than three times in succession. Back then, when Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang to come out, it was just a slap in the face. The staff of these clubs can bear their temperament and knew Lin Duyi well during the Olympics. On the contrary, the powerful professional players couldn't hold back.

Not being a teammate is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the psychological pressure caused by such a free agent who may join an enemy club and become an opponent on the court at any time is not ordinary.

At this point, Lin Duyi is really innocent.

After all, in his opinion, he has indeed refused to be very straightforward, and he has repeatedly stated that he is not ready to become a professional player. If you really want to blame him, you can only blame his relationship with Lu Xiulian for being completely exposed. From an emotional point of view, his refusal almost made everyone acquiesce that it was a side hint that he was ready to join KOY.


Lin Duyi pondered for a moment, then started typing a reply while holding the phone.

[TheONE-Lin Duyi: This is the final answer.]

[TheONE-Lin Duyi: Not planning to become a professional player, including not joining KOY.]

Before, there was still chatting without a word in the group, and others began to bubble with Lin Duyi's face.

Although it is clear that a future opponent is missing, some people will still feel regret.

[Team-Han Xinjue: It's a pity not to play professionally with your strength.]

[TheONE-Lin Duyi: It’s too tiring to play professionally. I don’t want to retire from injuries like you, so I might as well save some life to play games.]

[Team-Han Xinjue: ......]

As a professional e-sports player, after years of training, there will be more or less pain in the body.

Although Han Xinjue is not serious enough to rush to retire, he does have some minor illnesses, and he really can't say anything to refute Lin Duyi's overly "far-sighted" idea.

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