Chapter 076 - 080

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Chapter 76: Battle list.

After Lin Duyi washed his face a few more times with cold water, he confirmed that the heat on his face had completely subsided before returning to the training room.

In this way, he passed through the live broadcast area where a group of people watched, and found a place to sit down and start the machine without looking away.

After a while, the chair next to him was also pulled away.

Lin Duyi caught a glimpse of the fancy outfit out of the corner of his eye, and he knew who it was without looking.

In the end, he still controlled his posture and didn't turn his head to look.

Lu Xiulian also seemed to have intermittent amnesia and forgot the ramblings he had made in the PUG live broadcast room not long ago. He casually hung the earphones around his neck and turned on the phone.

Lin Duyi originally thought that this person should say something, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear a word. Seeing the newly lit avatar in the friend list, the mouse paused hesitantly on it.

He was hesitating whether to call someone in a double row, when a team message popped up.

At the same time, there are also urging friend messages.

[WWT, PUG: Hurry, hurry, brother ONE, come first.]

Lin Duyi: "......"

He looked up at Pang Ming's side.

Not far away, he saw the fat brother with earphones hanging out also leaning over here, winking to signal him to accept it quickly.

Lin Duyi's out-of-the-way light passed over Lu Xiulian calmly, moved the mouse, and pressed accept.

Pang Ming quickly entered the queue with his hands.

In the process of matching players, Lin Duyi stared at the beating timing system for a moment, but did not click into the lively live broadcast room.

Barrage is something that is invisible to the eyes.

As long as you don't watch it, you can feel more at ease during the double-row process.

However, the live broadcast only lasted about two rounds.

Wei Yinian brought the coaching staff into the training hall. Pang Ming said hello to the netizens, and it was broadcast neatly.

"You should have seen the newly announced new grouping arrangements. It's still the old rules, the internal circuit training competition, but it is different from the previous situation. Considering that there have been continuous eliminations of players, this time it needs to be in the limited three Finish all training content within a day."

Wei Yinian said, and asked the staff to display the group list on the central projection screen, and used the laser pointer in his hand to highlight the specific time schedule, "After three days, an additional reserve will be selected. The Olympic team lineup will be simulated in actual combat with the teams selected by South Korea. When the actual combat of this training match is over, the third stage will be regrouped.”

Although the coaching staff had previously said that they would schedule training matches with teams from other countries, no one expected that it would be arranged so quickly.

More or less, there are some shocks.

Someone raised their hand and asked: "The meaning of the reserve lineup... is it locked and will be included in the national team roster?"

"You can think so, but it's not entirely true." Wei Yinian replied, "It can only be said that our coaching staff will choose the best players so far to form this team, but whether they can successfully become the main selection of the national team, it will be adjusted at any time before the final list is confirmed. So again, there is still a chance before the last day, and please show your strength as much as possible for us and strive to contribute your own power to the honor of the country!"

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