Chapter 046 - 050

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Chapter 46: "This training match, you are not an outsider."

Considering the time difference between the two places, after Fei Ge came forward to communicate with the ER club, he finally set the training game time at 10:30 noon.

In fact, before contacting the ER, he was already prepared to be harassed by the opponent, but he did not expect that the process of the final appointment was silky smooth, and it was unexpectedly smooth.

Lin Duyi knew very well what the professional team's training game meant. Taking into account the tactical secrets on KOY's side, he saw that the time was approaching, and he turned off the computer very wisely.

Just as he was about to get up and leave the training room, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Slightly stunned, Lin Duyi looked back, just in time to meet Lu Xiulian's peach blossom eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

"No matter where you go, no one will let you avoid suspicion."

Lin Duyi: "The default rule in the industry is that it is inconvenient for outsiders to be present during the training game."

"I understand very clearly." Lu Xiulian still didn't let go of his hand when he spoke, instead he blinked slowly, "But... this training match, you are not an outsider."

Lin Duyi vaguely felt that there was some deep meaning in these words.

Just at this time, Su Mifei asked one more question after logging in to the player's uniform: "The game is about to start, but I have always forgotten to ask, which professional team is our first training match?"

"Is it the ER?" I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, Chi Guan glanced at Lin Duyi more while he was talking, and explained in a light tone, "The last time ONE and PUG broadcasted the duo queue, they were on the opposite side. The provocative ones are the jungler and mid laner of the ER team.”

Su Mifei was stunned: "So coincidental?"

Lu Xiulian tried hard to hold back his smile: "Well, it's quite a coincidence."

Lin Duyi glanced at this face, and understood what the previous sentence "not an outsider" meant.

Obviously, he really has nothing to do with the small grudges before the ER team.

But as for whether it is a coincidence that today's training match is a coincidence, I remain skeptical.

Luo Luo has heard a little about the live broadcast. I remember that the hot search about TheONE's participation in the Olympic Games was exposed that time, and the related content in the process was also very noisy.

Hearing Chi Guan's mention, he immediately slapped his fists with a fierce face: "Then I must play hard in this training game, and I must press their mid laners to the ground and rub them hard! God ONE, don't go, just stand by and watch, wait. I will help you get revenge!"

"Well, then I'll take a look." Lin Duyi responded, and after a while, he cast a questioning glance at Lu Xiulian. Seeing that the man was unmoved, he slowly reminded, "...You, let go first?"

Only then did Lu Xiulian react, and he pulled his hand back.

He didn't know what he was avoiding, but without waiting for Lin Duyi to make a sound, he quickly exerted force on his feet, turned the chair back, and silently rubbed his ears with his fingertips.

When Wei Yinian came in, he saw Lin Duyi sitting next to him at a glance, and he glanced over without saying anything: "It's time to start, are you all ready?"

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