Extra 10

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Extra 10: TheONE's Secrets

Everyone thought Lu Xiulian was strange that day.

Ever since he got up, he had been in a daze from time to time. Don't know what he's thinking about, but he can even sit by the window motionless for half an hour.

Su Mifei touched his chin and came to the conclusion. "There is a problem, there must be a problem!"

Luo Luo whispered, "Isn't it, what's the situation, quarreled with God ONE?"

Tang Ze captured the memory fragments in his mind, and his tone was not quite sure. "No, they were still in that pair yesterday, and they looked pretty good. If there was a fight, they should have fried the pot directly last night. But at that time, I was in the mood to invite us for a late night snack. If there is a crack in the relationship, it must not be like that!"

Chi Guan didn't pay much attention to the couple's affairs. After thinking about it, he only came up with one possibility. "Then don't worry about it, after all, there are always so many days every month."

In this regard, others disagree. "It's been a few days, but it's a bit too abnormal, it's never happened before!"

The more the others in KOY discussed, the more problems they felt, and they gathered together to analyze it in depth.

Until the sound of the door opened the door.

Tang Ze's eyes were sharp, and he saw the figure coming in from the entrance of the base at a glance, and immediately waved his hand happily. "God ONE, come and have a look!"

Lin Duyi walked over with a puzzled look on his face.

After listening to the KOY crowd, he looked up and saw that motionless and quite artistic back.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I'll take a look."

KOY crowd: "Go quickly!"

Lu Xiulian seemed to be really in a daze, and he didn't even notice when Lin Duyi approached.

It wasn't until the hand patted his shoulder that he seemed a little dazed when he looked back, and then his expression became even more strange when he looked at Lin Duyi.

Lin Duyi didn't really take Tang Ze's words to heart at first. At this time, seeing Lu Xiulian's silly appearance, he finally became curious. "What's wrong?"

Lu Xiulian frowned, opened his mouth as if considering his words, then reached out and rubbed his head indiscriminately.

Then his line of sight swept over the group of people downstairs who looked here from time to time, got close to Lin Duyi, and suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously. "I had a dream yesterday..."

Lin Duyi, who was ready to hear a shocking event: "...?"

After a few minutes, in a conference room with the door locked.

"In short, this is the situation. I don't know how a dream can be remembered so clearly... Anyway, I know you are a person who is determined not to play professional games, but I still dreamed that you won the world finals championship, And it's still the kind of consecutive championships." Lu Xiulian was obviously still immersed in that incomparably clear dream, his slender fingers tapped on the table and sighed in disbelief, "I don't know where the club came from, I've never heard of it. I've never seen that style of team uniforms before. I just remember that I was sitting in the family area in the front row cheering you on, and then I made an appointment..."

Lin Duyi: "...Agreed, after winning the championship this time, I will come to the finals with you?"

"That's right, that's it..." Lu Xiulian's voice stopped abruptly, he looked up in astonishment, "How do you know?"

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